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元旦的钟声刚过,反腐的利剑又举。1月12日,在中国共产党第十七届中央纪律检查委员会第五次全体会议上,胡锦涛总书记强调:反腐倡廉制度建设是惩治和预防腐败体系建设的重要内容,是加强反腐倡廉建设的紧迫任务。要以建立健全惩治和预防腐败体系各项制度为重点,以制约和监督权力为核心,以提高制度执行力为抓手,加强整体规划,抓紧重点突破,逐步建成内容科学、程序严密、配套完备、有效管用的反腐倡廉制度体系,切实提高制度执行力、增强制度实效。要切实加强制度执行情况监督检查,切实查处违反制度的行为,着力在领导干部特别是高中级干部中树立法律面前人人平等、制度面前没有特权、制度约束没有例外的意识,教育引导领导干部带头学习制度、严格执行制度、自觉维护制度。 New Year’s Day just after the bell, anti-corruption sword again. On January 12, at the Fifth Plenary Session of the 17th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Hu Jintao emphasized: Building an anti-corruption system is an important part of punishing and preventing the corruption system. It is also a step forward in strengthening anti-corruption and building a clean government. The urgent task. We should focus on establishing and perfecting the systems for punishing and preventing corruption, centering on the control and oversight of powers, improving the implementation of the system as a starting point, strengthening the overall planning and paying close attention to major breakthroughs. We will gradually establish a scientific and scientific system with rigorous procedures and complete facilities , The effective system of combating corruption and promoting clean government, effectively enforcing the system and enhancing the effectiveness of the system. We should conscientiously strengthen the supervision and inspection of the implementation of the system, conscientiously investigate and deal with violations of the system, strive to establish equality before the law among leading cadres, especially high and mid-level cadres, have no prerogatives before the system, and have no exception of institutional restraint, and educate leading cadres to take the lead Learning system, strict implementation of the system, consciously safeguard the system.
目的 实验性变态反应性脑脊髓炎(EAE)是研究多发性硬化(MS)发病机制及治疗的理想动物模型。本实验以急性EAE为模型,通过检测EAE大鼠脑中细胞间粘附分子-1(ICAM-1)、血管细胞间粘附
一.研究背景: 癫痫(epilepsy)是一组由不同病因引起,脑部神经元高度同步化,且常具有自限性的异常放电所致,以发作性、短暂性、重复性及通常为刻板性的中枢神经系统功能失常为特