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“无与伦比的想象力” 记得在“米老鼠与唐老鸭”刚刚进入中国的时候,一位作家曾对我谈起:“其想象力是无与伦比的。”也曾闻有国外人士说:“中国的作家缺乏想象力。”这里,我们暂不去追究其是认识局限还是动机问题,抑或是文革遗风的内外影响问题,单就现象而言,中国文化沃土历来是藏龙卧虎之地,而“米老鼠与唐老鸭”的想象力亦未必是“无与伦比”。然而我们不得不重视的是,就目前而言,与其它文艺样式相比,卡通艺术是最具想象力的。从这个意义上说,卡通艺术的想象力确实是“无与伦比”的,这也是现代卡通为什么能成为新生代人们的文化“宠儿”的重要原因。 人类历来就崇尚“想象”,历来就喜欢沉迷于“想象”的魅力之中。这不仅仅是一种精神娱乐,更重要的是:没有想象就没有创造。人类创造的一切、人类发展的历史,首先是基于人具有“想象”这一能力,可见“想象力”是何等伟大。而汇集了现代知识、信息又具有创造性想象的卡通作品,除了能给人以强烈的娱乐外,还能在其形形色色、想象丰富的闪光点上给老少人群、各界人士以启示,可能某一异想天开的细节就能导致一项创造发明的出现,或是让今天的“异想天开”变为明天的现实,这在人类文明的发展历程中是屡见不鲜的。尤其在国际社会竞争日趋激烈的今天,我们更 “Unparalleled Imagination” Remember that when Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck were just entering China, a writer once told me: “Their imagination is unparalleled.” People from other countries also heard that “China Of writers lack of imagination. ”Here, we are not going to investigate whether it is understanding the limitations or motivations, or the internal and external impact of the legacy of the Cultural Revolution, the phenomenon alone, the fertile soil of Chinese culture has always been a land of dragons, and“ Mickey Mouse And Donald Duck’s imagination may not be ”unmatched.“ However, we have to pay attention that, for the moment, cartoon art is the most imaginative in comparison with other literary styles. In this sense, the imagination of cartoon art is truly ”unparalleled“, which is why modern cartoons can become the ”darling“ of the culture of the new generation. Mankind has always advocated ”imagination“ and has always enjoyed indulging in the charm of ”imagination.“ This is not just a spiritual entertainment, more importantly: no imagination is not created. All created by mankind and the history of human development are firstly based on the ability of man to have ”imagination“ and how great ”imagination" can be seen. The collection of cartoon works with modern knowledge, information and creative imagination not only gives people a strong entertainment, but also gives inspiration to all kinds of people and people of all walks of life at all kinds of bright spots of imagination. It may be a whimsical idea Of the details can lead to the emergence of an invention of invention or to turning today’s whimsical into a reality of tomorrow that is not uncommon in the course of the development of human civilization. In particular, with the increasingly fierce international competition, we are even more
我们见过概念车,见过概念手机但对于概念音箱还太陌生“三诺杯”工业设计精英赛落幕了,这个以“音乐无处不在”为主题的设计大赛诞生了不少前卫的作品和新奇的概念也许过几年,音乐的世界真的会变得那样美好。    一等奖作品 沙音    利用概念材料“磁沙”对电磁型号的敏感性,用“磁沙”的振动代替喇叭发音,在听觉上和视觉上颠覆人们对音箱的印象。  编辑点评:沙音用一种概念材料洞穿了听觉与视觉之间的隔阂,创意十
现在的随身听体积比较大,主要是受磁带或碟片体积的制约,其防震防撞性能也不高(尤其是 CD 随身听),MP3虽然不需磁带或唱碟,但其价格昂贵,防碰性能仍不佳,体积一般有扑克盒大
通过试种观察,认为蕹菜、落葵、苋菜和黄秋葵抗热、质优、高产、营养价值高,是适于在京、津、石地区种植和推广的国内外引进抗热蔬菜新品种。 The results showed that the
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