荆州海关:抓好文明创建 促进经济发展

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近年来,荆州海关深入开展以“爱岗敬业、公正执法、高效服务、文明廉洁”为主要内容的文明创建活动,为促进地方外向型经济发展作出了积极贡献。——文明创建工作常抓不懈。荆州海关党组把创建活动列入重要议事日程,将文明创建与业务工作一起部署、一起落实、一并考核,做到“年度工作安排有创建内容,党组会、关务会有创建议题,岗位责任有创建目标”。海关党组要求人人参与创建工作,个个成为创建主体,共同营造文明创建的氛围,使“比文明、比服务、比奉献”在全关蔚然成风。——文明创建工作特色鲜明。荆州海关突出“爱 In recent years, Jingzhou Customs conducted in-depth civilized activities with the main content of “devotion to work, fair enforcement, efficient service, and civilized integrity”, and made positive contributions to promoting the development of the local export-oriented economy. Civilization to create work often unremitting efforts. Jingzhou Customs Party group to create activities included in the agenda, civilized construction and business work together to deploy, together with the assessment, so that “the annual work arrangements to create content, the party group, the customs will create issues, job responsibilities Have a goal. ” Customs Party requires all to participate in the creation of work, and all of them will become the main bodies of creation and jointly create an atmosphere of civilization creation so that “all civilizations, services and dedication” will become commonplace in the customs. Civilization to create distinctive features. Jingzhou Customs outstanding "love
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