
来源 :森林防火 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhz_8512
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敢当枪杆上的刺刀震惊中外的大兴安岭特大森林火灾发生后,就如同大火烧了我们的心肝一样难以忍受,所以,我们时刻准备着奔赴扑火第一线,这样的机会终于来了,5月13日深夜市防火指挥部按省防火指挥部的增援命令,市里连夜向各县下达命令。九万多平方公里的三江平原,林场星布在各个角落,许多地方没有铁路,交通极其不便。然而电波传来,军令如山。经过二昼夜多的颠簸,列车驶进了大兴安岭林区,当队员们从列车上看到铁路两旁化为灰烬的树木和烧焦了的土地,看到成千上万无家可归的灾民,看到从火场上撤下来的伤病员,165人连一句话都没有了,眼睛瞪得大大的,心里在默默地流泪。 Dared to be a bayonet on the gun stunned Daxinganling large forest fires at home and abroad, just as the fire burned our heart and liver as unbearable, so we are always ready to rush to the front line, this opportunity has finally come, May 13 Day and night market fire command by the provincial fire command reinforcements order, the city issued an order to counties overnight. More than 90,000 square kilometers of the Sanjiang Plain, Forest Star cloth in every corner, many places without a railway, the traffic is extremely inconvenient. However, radio waves, military orders. After more than two days of bumps, the train drove into the Greater Xing’an Mountains. When the team members saw the trains of trees and charred ashes on both sides of the railway and saw hundreds of thousands of homeless victims, See the withdrawal from the scene of the wounded and sick, 165 even a word is gone, eyes wide-eyed, my heart was silent tears.
前言中华松梢(针)蚧(Matsucoccus Sinensis Chen)属同翅目(Homoptera)珠(硕)蚧科(MargaroDlDac)松蚧属,是危害马尾松(Pinus massoniana Lamb)针叶上的一种小蚧壳虫。马尾松
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玄胡索霜霉病(Peronospora corydalis deBary)是玄胡索上的一种主要病害。常常能对产量带来巨大的损失。自1984年起,作者对该病的流行规律,田间分布型作了调查研究,对如何防
目的 :获得西藏地区的乙肝病毒全基因组序列。方法 :从西藏地区收集的 2 6个HBsAg阳性携带者血清样本 ,从中抽提HBV的DNA并对全基因组织进行了扩增、测序。结论 :首次获得西