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英语写作是英语教学的重要组成部分,学生英语写作水平的高低,会直接影响他们将来的发展。然而,提起英语写作,许多学生都感觉“老虎吃天,无处下手”。那么,该怎样提高学生的英语写作水平呢?一、注重社会实践,丰富写作素材丰富多彩的生活能点燃学生思维的火花,诱发他们的写作灵感;千姿百态、引人入胜的场景能拨动学生心中的琴弦,使他们的求知欲、好奇心、想象力得到发展,促使他们用英语思维。只有在社会这一大课堂里,学生才会真正贴近生活,学到真知。如三月份的“学雷锋月”活动,让学生把目光投向 English writing is an important part of English teaching. Students’ writing proficiency in English will directly affect their future development. However, when speaking English, many students feel “the tiger ate days and nowhere”. So, how to improve students’ English writing skills? First, pay attention to social practice, rich writing material Rich and colorful life can ignite the spark of student thinking, to induce their writing inspiration; mix and match, attractive scenes can dial the hearts of students in the piano Strings, so curiosity, curiosity, imagination developed, prompting them to think in English. Only in this large class of society, students will really close to life, to learn the truth. As in March “Learn Lei Feng month ” activities, so that students turn their attention
Nature remains a productive source for molecules that display unique chemical and functional diversity by virtue of both the inherent core architectural scaffol
  Drug discovery from marine actinomycete resources include multi-steps of screening,isolation and identification,like"look for a needle in ocean".The efficie
第一 ,把好用人关。一方面 ,选配一支思想政治素质高、业务技能精、善于管理、精明能干、坚持原则的会计队伍 ;另一方面 ,聘用 (选配 )熟悉掌握金融政策、敢于创新、坚持原则