如今的人们,更加珍爱自己的安全港湾——家。不论新居,还是老宅,都想装扮一新。家居装饰的蔚然风起,也带来了一个红红火火的建材市场。节假日,人们又多了一个新去处:逛建材城! 建材城拔地而起,林林总总,点缀京城。提起丽泽、玉泉营、建材大厦已不再是陌生的名字。这三大建材城可谓“各领风骚,各具特色”。共同的市场使彼此竞争日益激烈,但不断看好的前景也将使彼此大有作为。“八仙过海,尽显其能”嘛!
Today’s people cherish their own safe harbor - home. No matter if you live in a new house or an old house, you want to dress up. The advent of home decoration has also brought a booming building materials market. Holidays, people have added a new place: visiting the building materials city! Building materials city rises, the forests, embellished the capital. The mention of Lize, Yuquanying, and Building Materials Building is no longer a strange name. These three major building materials cities can be described as “all leaders, each with its own characteristics.” The common market makes the competition with each other fiercer, but the ever-looking prospects will make great achievements. “The Eight Immortals crossed the sea and showed its ability!”