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1986年是湖北省会计事务管理工作迅速发展的一年,各项工作有了新的进展和突破,打开了工作局面,摸索出了一条路子,取得了显著成绩,受到了广大财会人员的欢迎和社会各界的好评。也得到了财政部会计事务管理司的充分肯定。财政部指出,“七五”期间会计管理工作的主要任务是:紧密结合经济管理体制改革和管理现代化的客观要求,有计划、有步骤地对会计核算和会计监督的内容、方法、形式、手段等进行必要的改革,使会计管理工作在广度和深度上继续向生产经营的各个领域和环节渗透。同时进一步加强和完善会计工作的法制建设,加强会计干部队伍“四化”建设,加强会计理论方法的研究,保证会计工作在维护国家财政、财务制度,保护 The year 1986 witnessed a rapid development of accounting affairs in Hubei Province. With all new progress and breakthroughs in various fields, the work situation was opened up and a path was found and achieved remarkable results. It was welcomed by the vast majority of financial and accounting personnel. Praise from all walks of life. Have also been fully affirmed by the accounting affairs management department of the Ministry of Finance. The Ministry of Finance pointed out: The main task of accounting administration during the “Seventh Five-Year Plan” period is to closely integrate the contents, methods, forms, and means of accounting and accounting supervision in a planned and systematic manner in close connection with the objective requirements of the reform of the economic management system and the management of modernization. We will carry out necessary reforms so that the management of accounting will continue to penetrate into all fields and links of production and operation in breadth and depth. At the same time, we should further strengthen and improve the legal system of accounting work, strengthen the building of the “four modernizations” of accounting cadres, and strengthen the study of accounting theory and methods, so as to ensure that accounting work is of the utmost importance in safeguarding the state finance and financial system and protecting
摘要:在英语学习的启蒙阶段,学生的学习兴趣将直接影响其英语学习的积极性和主动性。因此,如何在少儿英语教学中培养和激发学生的学习兴趣,就成为了每一位英语教师必须思考和探究的问题。  关键词:少儿英语 学习兴趣 培养途径  爱因斯坦说过:“兴趣是最好的老师。”少儿英语教学是英语学习的启蒙阶段,在这个阶段培养学生的学习兴趣尤为重要。对于青少年儿童来说,学习英语的成功与否在很大程度上取决于他们对英语的学习
印尼矿业和能源部的一名官员11月25日在雅加达说,印度尼西亚日前向一个由Vico国际公司、英国石油公司和意大利埃尼公司组成的国际财团颁发了煤层气勘探权。 An official fro
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事业单位的改革是当前政府工作的重点,解决深化改革面对的问题,必须依靠理论创新,克服传统农业文化的思想局限,根据工业化社会的发展趋势寻求解决办法。 The reform of publ