,Design of large aperture 500 MHz 5-cell superconducting cavity

来源 :核技术(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nature_shcn
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With the potential application of Energy Recovery Linac (ERL),the superconducting (SC) cavities were developed to deliver much higher current than before.Nowadays,the current of the inteational SC accelerator designed has already exceeded 100 mA.This paper presents the design of a new 500 MHz 5-cell SC cavity (SINAP 5-cell cavity),in which the parameters r/Q=515.5 Ω of the fundamental mode and the geometry factor G=275.8 are under an acceptable Radio Frequency (RF) field level (Bpeak/Eacc=4.31 mT/MV/m and Epeak/Eacc-2.48).This design employs a larger beam pipe to propagate the Higher Order Modes (HOMs) out of the cavity and increases the damping efficiently for the dangerous HOMs.By simulation technique,it has been found that almost all the dangerous HOMs (including TE111,TM110,and TM011) can be propagated into the beam pipe and are absorbed by ferrite absorbers,when the beam pile is enlarged.Finally,the loss factor for the new 5-cell cavity is also calculated.
分别通过微波消解法和标准回流法测定废水中COD,并对两组实验数据进行比较.结果 表明:传统的回流法操作繁冗,消耗时间长;微波消解法所用时间短,所需试剂少,减少了二次污染,分
A data processing program has been applied for the new beam position monitor (BPM) system of the storage ring at Hefei Light Source (HLS).The new BPM system in
水中溴氰菊酯液相色谱检测对《生活饮用水标准检验方法》中流动相和萃取溶剂(环己烷和乙醚)进行改进,并优化了色谱条件,采用甲醇和水为流动相,环己烷为萃取试剂.结果 显示:加