
来源 :现代焊接 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pjp4057
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安全生产是现代企业生产经营的基础,是创建一流企业的有力保障,也是搞好企业生产的决定因素。开展以人为本的职工安全培训和形式多样的安全教育是企业的一项重要工作。为了促进焊接企业和广大焊接工作者对安全生产的认知和重视,本刊自2010年第3期以“焊接安全与卫生防护”为主题进行了“专题论述”后,从2010年第4期开始陆续为大家献上焊接与切割作业安全技术问答,以便让大家加深对焊接安全技术知识的理解,达到重视安全生产,利国、利企业、利职工的目的。 Safety production is the basis of modern enterprise production and management, is a powerful guarantee to create first-class enterprises, but also a decisive factor in improving enterprise production. To carry out people-oriented employee safety training and a variety of safety education is an important enterprise. In order to promote the welding enterprises and the majority of welding workers on the safety awareness and emphasis on production, the magazine from 2010 No. 3 to “welding safety and health protection” as the theme of the “special discourse” after "from 2010 Year 4 began to provide you with welding and cutting operations safety technical questions and answers, so that we can deepen the understanding of welding safety technical knowledge, to pay attention to safety, the country, the business and the interests of workers.
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介绍了万向角铣头的调整原理,并得出实际应用时调整万向角铣头的公式。 The adjustment principle of the universal milling head is introduced, and the formulas for ad
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