Effects of laser processing parameters on solidification microstructures of ternary Al_2O_3/YAG/ZrO_

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ch3
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Rapid surface resolidification with a high powered CO2-laser was performed in preparing directionally solidified Al2O3/YAG/ZrO2 ternary eutectic ceramic in situ composite.The effects of laser processing parameters on the solidification microstructure characteristics and thermal properties were studied by scanning electron microscopy(SEM),energy dispersive spectroscopy(EDS),X-ray diffractometry(XRD)and synthetically thermal analysis(STA).Detailed investigations of the influence of laser power and scanning rate on the preparation and microstructural parameters of the ternary eutectic were presented.Moreover, the eutectic phase separation rule at high temperature was discussed.The results indicate that solidification microstructure of the ternary eutectic composite is greatly influenced by the laser processing parameters.The synthetically thermal analysis shows that the eutectic temperature of ternary Al2O3/YAG/ZrO2 composite is 1 738℃,well matching the phase diagram of Al2O3-Y2O3-ZrO2. Rapid surface resolidification with a high powered CO2-laser was performed in preparing directionally solid Al2O3 / YAG / ZrO2 ternary eutectic ceramic in situ composite. The effects of laser processing parameters on the solidification microstructure characteristics and thermal properties were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM ), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and synthetically thermal analysis (STA). Detailed investigations of the influence of laser power and scanning rate on the preparation and microstructural parameters of the ternary eutectic were presented. Moreover, the eutectic phase separation rule at high temperature was discussed. The results indicate that solidification microstructure of the ternary eutectic composite is greatly influenced by the laser processing parameters. The synthetically thermal analysis shows that the eutectic temperature of ternary Al2O3 / YAG / ZrO2 composite is 1 738 ° C, well matching the phase diagram of Al2O3-Y2O3-ZrO2.
寻开心  如果我告诉你,我们曾是校友,你可千万别惊讶。因为这世上无巧不成书,因为我也曾和你们一样,高一高二属于“厦大”的一名学生——咱们同是被吓大的。  记得那时还没读高三,我便已经开始被迫接受来自各种或善意或残酷的提醒。由此我想象高三的天空是黑色的,岁月是漫长的,呼吸是静止的,人生是惨淡的,而开心是不存在的。每当听他们说,高考就是千军万马挤独木桥,你不努力向前,便要咣当坠河,我便开始想象自己因为
学校的主教学楼正在重建。每天走在校园里,看着那蒙着绿色面纱的建筑工地,就像是看着一棵亲手种下的树,觉得每天都没什么变化,但是内心知道,它一直都在成长。  回想当年公示新教学楼设计备选方案时,宣传窗前总是挤着一堆人。每一个方案都比旧教学楼好看,但每一个又都不够好看。这种谨慎、期待又略带批判的眼光,是极有意思的,仿佛是在挑选要相伴一生的人。  其实这样的形容是毫不夸张的。因为校园生活,本来就会成为每个
在上高中之前,大多数同学可能完全不知道“学农”这回事情。然而,一进入高二,几乎所有的同学都会期待“学农”。虽然学农的时间可能不长,也就一个星期左右,但是,可以和同学们一起在外面集体住宿在一起,光是这一点,想想就觉得一定会很开心了。当然,也有可能心中有不少忐忑,担心学农生活会很辛苦,平时在家里什么都不干,真的可以顺利地度过一周的集体生活吗?今天不上课,去打扫学校  说实话,我太羡慕那些能够去学农的同