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以具有降血糖活性的达格列净、卡格列净和脱氧野尻霉素为参照,设计合成了新化合物N-[3-(4-乙氧基苄基)-4-氯苯基]-1-脱氧野尻霉素(A)。以2-氯-5-硝基苯甲酸为原料,先将羧酸转化为酰氯、再经Friedel-Crafts酰基化、羰基还原及硝基还原,合成了中间体2-氯-5-氨基-4’-乙氧基二苯基甲烷;另一方面,以单丙酮葡萄糖为原料,经选择性氧化和水解反应得到5-氧化-D-葡萄糖。该化合物和2-氯-5-氨基-4’-乙氧基二苯基甲烷发生双还原胺化反应得到化合物A的粗品。将粗品A与乙酸酐反应,经柱色谱分离得到高纯度的四乙酰基-N-[3-(4-乙氧基苄基)-4-氯苯基]-1-脱氧野尻霉素(B),再将其水解制得纯的化合物A。将化合物A口服给药SD大鼠后,发现该化合物可以降低SD大鼠血糖,增加尿量和葡萄糖从尿液中的排出。 A new compound named N- [3- (4-ethoxybenzyl) -4-chlorophenyl] - isoflurane was designed and synthesized by using dapagliflozin, 1-Deoxynojirimycin (A). Starting from 2-chloro-5-nitrobenzoic acid, the carboxylic acid was first converted to acid chloride. After Friedel-Crafts acylation, carbonyl reduction and nitro reduction, the intermediate 2-chloro-5-amino-4 ’- ethoxydiphenylmethane; on the other hand, monoacetone glucose is used as a raw material to obtain 5-oxo-D-glucose by selective oxidation and hydrolysis. This compound and 2-chloro-5-amino-4’-ethoxydiphenylmethane undergo double reductive amination to give the crude compound A. The crude product A was reacted with acetic anhydride and separated by column chromatography to obtain high purity of tetraacetyl-N- [3- (4-ethoxybenzyl) -4-chlorophenyl] -1-deoxynojirimycin ), Which is then hydrolyzed to give pure Compound A. Compound A was administered orally to SD rats and found to reduce blood glucose, increase urine output, and excretion of glucose from urine in SD rats.
本文从硫化氢的产生机理、危害出发,提出了优化油气田开发设备、设施降低硫化氢腐蚀作用,安装硫化氢智能化探测报警系统以及完善硫化氢防护救援制度等防护措施。 Based on t
Background: Transesophageal echocardiography(TEE) gui-ded cardioversion to restoration of sinus rhythm is a therapeutic option in patients with atrial fibrillat
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在《Oh, Otto!》这则英文故事的学习结束时,我为巩固所学知识,又上了一节总结复习课。在备课组同人的热心指导和帮助下,我确定了本节复习课的主要教学环节。  首先,通过设计课文故事情景,引导学生们积极参与名为“Who is the best?”的小活动。具体做法为:先播放一段课文中的原版录音,然后鼓励学生模仿这段录音。模仿得好的学生可以为小组获得1分。这样利用模仿的趣味性和小组间的积分制来激励学
A young boy was playing with a ball in a street.He kicked the ball so hard that it broke the window of a house.And the ball fell into the house.The boy ran away.  一个小男孩在街上踢球。他踢得太使劲了,砸坏了一所房子的窗户,球也掉进了房子
以发展的视野,从五个方面阐述了图书馆与现代社会的紧密关系,以期引起世人对图书馆建设的关注和重视,进一步推动图书馆的建设。 From the perspective of development, this
例1男性,72岁.因反复胸骨后痛1个月2002年7月13日入院.胸痛发作时伴胸前压迫感、出汗,持续1~10 min,含服硝酸甘油能缓解.心电图示:V3~V6段压低0.1~0.2 mV,T波低平.高血压病史3年,常服硝苯地平、卡托普利等药物.查体:血压160/90 mm Hg,两肺呼吸音清晰,心界不扩大,心率90次/min,律齐,未闻杂音.腹软,肝脾肋下未扪及,双下肢无水肿.辅助检查:超声心动图示左