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表现海的音乐作品真是太多了,但能写出上乘之作的作曲家往往都与海有着不解之缘。里姆斯基一柯萨科夫十八岁自海军学校毕业后,即开始了随舰航海的生涯,他日复一日地天天感受海的韵律,故而他的《天方夜谭》第一、第四乐章在描绘大海时,真可谓栩栩如生了。一八三九年瓦格纳偕妻子前往伦敦,在海上曾遇到一次几乎翻船的暴风雨,多年后想起来还感到害怕,后来在写歌剧《漂泊的荷兰人》时,瓦格纳将海的恐怖描绘到了淋漓尽致的地步,恐怕与这次遭遇有直接的关系。 The performance of the sea of ​​music is really too much, but can write excellent composer often have a sea of ​​indissoluble bond. After graduating from the Naval Academy at the age of eighteen, Rimsky-Korsakov began his career as a naval vessel. He became aware of the rhythm of the sea day after day, and his “fantasy” first, The fourth movement is vivid when portraying the sea. Wagner’s wife, who traveled to London in 1839, had experienced a storm on the sea almost capsizing. After years of being scared to be reminded, Wagner described the horrors of the sea vividly when he wrote the opera The Dutch in a Drifting I am afraid that this encounter has a direct relationship.
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锯齿棕系指棕榈科植物 Serenoa repens(Bar-tram)Small 的部分干燥的成熟果实。该植物亦称S.serrulatum Schultes 或 Sabal serrulata Michaux)Nichols。包装和贮存存于遮光