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今春以来,随着中央一号文件的深人宣传贯彻,察右前旗社员治山治沟的积极性空前高涨,植树造林出现了五个好势头: 一是出现了社员争包三荒热。随着中央一号文件的宣传贯彻,社员从不敢承包三荒发展到争着包、抢着包,打破了三荒承包多年进展不大的局面。全旗一春有3460户承包12.5万亩。昔日冷冷清清的荒山、荒沟、荒滩,一下子热腾起来了。二是社员育苗的多。随着大面积植树造林和承包治理三荒,广大社员越来越认识到育苗的重要性,育苗户和育苗面积都在同步增多。一些社员把大量育苗作为致富的门路,积极培育、精心管理。三岔口乡社员曹文景一户育苗10亩。目前,全旗社员育苗达到588亩。三是家庭小林场成批涌现。随着大面积承包三 Since the beginning of this spring, with the in-depth propaganda and implementation of the document No. 1 of the Central Government, there has been an unprecedented increase in the enthusiasm of members of Zhaizhizhan Banner in harnessing the ditch. There are five good signs of afforestation. With the propaganda and implementation of the document No. 1 of the Central Government, members never dared to contract Sanyu to develop into a competitive package and grab the package, breaking the situation that Sanyu contracting has not progressed for many years. A whole spring aunt has 3460 contractors 125000 acres. The past deserted barren hills, wilderness ditch, wasteland, all of a sudden heat up. Second, members of nursery and more. With the large area afforestation and contract management three shortage, members of the community more and more realize the importance of nursery, nursery households and nursery area are increasing simultaneously. Some members take a large number of nurseries as a way to get rich and actively cultivate and carefully manage them. Sanchakou Township members Cao Wenjing a nursery 10 acres. At present, the entire flag members nursery reached 588 acres. Third, the family small forest field batch emerge. With the large contract three
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江苏省林学会于三月五日召开了在宁理事会议,出席会议的共有二十七人。省科学技术协会也派员参加了会议。 会议由学会理事长陈和亭同志主持。 会议传达了中共中央〔1979〕97
“造星”的电视选秀节目在国外是屡见不鲜的,其中最著名的就是开始于2007年6月,并诞生了苏珊大妈的“英国达人”(Britain’s GotTalent)。它由英国独立电视台每天播放参赛选
上海第一医学院顾关云、许吉鹏同志给林业部的信,提出的看法和意见是正确的,这反映了社会上对林业工作的关心和重视。 巩留林场卡西林区的一株被称为“云杉树王”的古树,不知