早老症(progeria)是一种散发而少见的儿童疾病,特点是病儿外观与组织脏器的结构和功能都出现与实际年龄不相称的衰老,使寿命提早结束。1886年 Hutchinson氏最早报告一例3岁男性病儿后,Gilford 氏又报告一例尸检病儿,所以,本病也称为Hutchinson-Gilford 氏早老综合征(HGPS)。本病在国外已先后报告70多例,国内文献中仅有一例简略记载。作者等最近曾见一例,现报告于后。
Progeria is a rare and uncommon childhood illness characterized by the appearance and organization of diseased children whose structures and functions appear to age out of proportion to the actual age and end their lives earlier. Gilford’s report of an autopsy case was also reported in 1886 when Hutchinson’s first reported case of a 3-year-old male patient was diagnosed. The disease is also known as Hutchinson-Gilford’s Premature Syndrome (HGPS). The disease has been reported in foreign countries more than 70 cases, only one case of domestic literature briefly recorded. The author has recently seen an example, the report is now available.