
来源 :棉花学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bn1984
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1983~1986年先后研究了花芽分化的诱导条件、分化期的划分以及花芽分化发育在棉株上的序列性。通过对棉花苗期不同温度调控处理的直接观测,明确花芽诱导期的临界日均温为19~20℃,持续期需要6~8天,方能使棉苗顺利进入花芽分化始期。启动生殖生长所需棉苗临界干物重为0.42±0.03克,相当于其种胚重的7.9±0.7倍。在系统镜检花芽分化中,发现处于一苞分化期以前的部分早期花芽,在遭遇低温阴雨、营养失衡、移栽缓苗等逆境时,尚能逆转发育成叶茅,使果枝带出现叶枝。运用系统镜检与扫描电镜观察相结合的研究方法,按照各花器原基向心分化的自然顺序,并以1个叶龄作等隔期的划分原则,将整个花芽分化发育过程依次划分为10期,即花原基突起、花原基伸长、一苞分化、三苞分化、花萼分化、花瓣-雄蕊管原基共同体分化、雄蕊原基分化、心皮分化、雌蕊形成和胚珠形成。对前人分期系列作出五项修正和补充。对主茎尖纵向序列各分化果枝和果枝尖横向序列各分化果节上的花芽镜检结果表明,花芽在棉株呈现有序分化发育,花芽数量呈现有序增长。第一节纵向同位花芽的分化期号正好与其果枝序号相吻合,横向邻位的分化期号正好按果节序列依次递减2期.正是这种序列性,使现蕾节以上的主茎尖和各可见果枝的枝尖经常保持一定数量的花芽数。 From 1983 to 1986, it studied the induction conditions of flower bud differentiation, the division of differentiation period and the sequence of flower bud differentiation on cotton plants. Through the direct observation of cotton seedling temperature regulation and treatment, it is clear that the critical daily average temperature of flower bud induction is 19 ~ 20 ℃, and the duration needs 6 ~ 8 days to make the cotton seedling smoothly enter the initial stage of flower bud differentiation. The critical dry weight of cotton seedlings required to initiate reproductive growth was 0.42 ± 0.03 grams, equivalent to 7.9 ± 0.7 times the embryo weight. In the system of flower bud differentiation, it was found that in the early bud differentiation period part of the early flower buds, in the event of low temperature and rain, nutritional imbalance, transplanting Huanmiao and other adversities, can still develop into the leaf Mao, so that branches appear with leaf branches. According to the natural order of centriole divergence of each primordium flower base and the division principle of one leaf age at equal intervals, the whole flower bud differentiation process was divided into 10 Stage, that is, the primordial protuberances, the elongation of the primordium, the differentiation of a bud, the differentiation of the three buds, the differentiation of the calyx, the differentiation of the petal-stamens tubular primordium, the differentiation of the stamens, the differentiation of the carpels, the formation of pistils and the formation of ovules. Make five amendments and supplements to the previous installment series. The results of flower bud microscopy on each differentiation stage of each branch of fruiting branches and fruiting branches of the main stem tip longitudinal sequences showed that the flower buds developed orderly differentiation and the number of flower buds increased in an orderly manner. In the first section, the same period flower bud differentiation period just coincides with its fruit branch number, and the transverse orthosis differentiation period just descends according to the fruit section sequence in turn 2. It is this sequence that makes the main stem tip And the branches of the visible fruit branches often maintain a certain number of flower buds.
马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum L.)是重要的粮菜兼用和工业原料作物。马铃薯块茎的休眠和发芽对于马铃薯的栽培、块茎生产和加工工业都极为重要。由于对块茎休眠和发芽机理了解的欠缺,人工调控技术发展缓慢,从而严重制约了马铃薯种薯生产的发展和块茎作为工业加工原料的充分利用。因此,研究块茎休眠和发芽的分子机理及调控,对于马铃薯栽培、贮藏保鲜和产业发展等具有十分重要的意义。无机焦磷酸酶(pyrop
本试验采用二因素(温度、相对湿度)二次回归饱和D-最优设计,研究不同定色环境下,淀粉酶、多酚氧化酶(PPO)、蛋白酶以及相关化学成分的变化规律。  研究表明:在烘烤的定色阶段(定色