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军校干部学员相对于青年学生学员和战士学员有着特殊的身份和经历;相对于部队军官有着不同的任务和制约机制.这些特殊性决定了干部学员相处呈特殊特征,成为影响他们工作、学习、生活的重要因素.因此,探讨和研究他们相处的特征,对加强干部学员的管理工作有着重要的意义.一是相处的阶段性会引起积极性的波动干部学员的相处可分为四个阶段:1.掩饰阶段.这个阶段好比“初恋”阶段,各自面对新的领导、新的同伴、新的环境、新的任务,产生了新的希望,确立了新的目标.这些心理造成了积极向上的个体内动力.同时由于不了解,不熟悉,相互间还存在着一层“温情脉脉的面纱”,相互在言行上处处表现得谨小慎微,积极表现自己的长处,掩饰自己的短处.即便发生有悖于自己性格、意愿、利益的事情,也能互相谦让、忍耐,靠自身约束力,不断调整自己,暗自适应新情况,希望赢得新领导、新同伴的好感,在新环境中树立形象.由此也造成了积极向上的群体氛围.这一时期积极性比较高涨,持续时间约有3~6个月,大致是第一个学期. Military cadres have special identities and experiences compared with young students and warrior trainees, and have different tasks and restraint mechanisms with respect to army officers, which determine the special characteristics that cadres and students get along with and become influential factors in their work, study, and life Therefore, to explore and study their characteristics is of great significance to strengthen the management of cadres and students.First, the stage of getting along will lead to the fluctuation of enthusiasm. The co-existence of cadres can be divided into four stages: 1. This stage is like the stage of “first love”, which has created new hope and set new goals in the face of new leaders, new companions, new environment and new tasks, all of which have created positive Body motivation.At the same time due to ignorance, are not familiar with each other there is still a layer of “veil of tenderness,” everywhere in words and deeds, showing cautious, positive performance of their strengths, to cover up their own shortcomings, even if contrary to their own Personality, wishes, interests of the things, but also mutual humility, patience, by their own binding, constantly adjusting themselves, secretly comfortable New situation, hoping to win the favor of a new leader and new companion and establish a new image in the new environment, thus creating a positive and progressive group atmosphere. The enthusiasm during this period was relatively high with a duration of about 3 to 6 months, roughly The first semester.
摘要:诊所式法律教育是一种外来的教育模式,它是通过模拟教学和实践教育培养学生的职业道德。作为一种新型的教育模式,它将是一个充满希望的朝阳领域。  关键词:诊所式法律教育;教育方法;教学评价  中图分类号:D90-4文献标识码:A文章编号:2095-4379-(2015)17-0050-01  作者简介:陈曦,辽宁葫芦岛人,沈阳师范大学法学院2012级学生。  一、诊所式法律教育的意义  诊所式法律
2月,我们迎来乙未羊年春节。在中华民族2000多年的历史典籍中的春节,我们可以看到各种习俗,它们千年相继,或消逝或勃兴,在变或不变中,将上古神州的年味一直延续到我们所处的今天。  那些逐渐隐退的流行  成书于战国时代的《尔雅》一书有云:“夏曰岁,商曰祀,周曰年。”古人认为,春节从大禹开启的夏朝就已经出现了。  当时春节更多是一种腊祭。人们选在腊月将尽春季将来之时,杀猪宰羊祭祀上天与祖先,祈求来年风
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