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一、公司法人治理结构的产生及异同 公司法人治理结构是一种“舶来品”,在公司制度较早引入企业组织形式的西方各国,伴随着股份公司的建立为解决公司制度下的企业管理方式,引入了股东会、董事会和经理之间建立在委托、代理关系基础上的一种公司内部权责分配的结构设置,但公司治理结构在不同国家有着不同的差异,这种差异主要集中在董事会和经理层之间的制度安排和权力分配,在股东会和董事会之间,由于利益相关性要大于董事会与经营管理层之间的相关性,股东会的代表更容易进入董事会,所以对公司的控制与管理的矛盾焦点,主要集中在董事会与经营管理层之间。 First, the corporate governance structure and the similarities and differences The corporate governance structure is a “foreign goods” in the early introduction of the company system in Western countries, the formation of the company, with the establishment of joint-stock companies to solve the corporate management system, The introduction of the structure of the distribution of the internal power and responsibility among shareholders, boards and managers based on the trust and agency relationship. However, the corporate governance structure has different differences in different countries. The differences are mainly concentrated in the board of directors and the board of directors Institutional arrangements and distribution of power among managers at the shareholders 'and the board of directors, because the stake is greater than the correlation between the board of directors and the management, the shareholders' representatives more easily enter the board of directors, so the control of the company The focus of conflicts with management is mainly between the board of directors and management.
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目前,随着劳动力资源配置市场化、投资主体多元化和用工形式复杂化,劳动者与用人单位之间因劳动权利义务而引发的劳动争议呈明显的上升趋势。面对日 At present, with the m
近年来我们两院对原发性肝癌并门脉癌栓患者 5 4例行介入治疗 ,现将治疗结果及体会报告如下。1 资料与方法5 4例原发性肝癌并门脉癌栓患者 ,男 43例 ,女 11例 ,年龄 2 8~ 6 1
GB/T 16180-2006 2007年5月1日实施1范围本标准规定了职工工伤致残劳动能力鉴定原则和分级标准。本标准适用于职工在职业活动中因工负伤和因职业病致残程度的鉴定。 GB / T