电信降价 谁是赢家

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不久前,国家计委和信息产业部决定,从10月1日起降低部分电信资费标准。这是继今年3月份对电信资费价格大幅下调后的又一次对数字、数字数据、模拟电路资费的较大幅度的调整。调整的主要内容包括:将中国电信出租的数字、数字数据、模拟电路资费标准,在3月1日调后价基础上平均再降低30%。将经营性单位租用中国电信的模拟中继线月租费标准,由现行600元统一降低到280元;将中国电信出租给经营性互联网2兆带宽的国际半电路(国内端)每月租费降低31.25%。其中省际800公里以上2兆数字数据电路月租费降低50%。 此次电信资费调整的政策出台后,引起了有关各界的不同反响。对于网络类上市公司来说,认为电信资费的下调直接减少了企业的运营成本,促进了用户的网络消费,因而是个实实在在的利好;而对于一些个人拨号上网的用户来说,就反应颇为冷淡,认为此次降价并没有给个人上网者带来什么直接利益,与调整前相比,上网费用也不大会有明显下降。那么,这一次的电信资费调整有些什么特点,真正受益的赢家又是谁呢? Not long ago, the State Development Planning Commission and the Ministry of Information Industry decided to reduce some of the telecommunications tariffs from October 1. This is a large-scale adjustment of digital, digital data, and analog circuit tariffs following the sharp reduction in telecommunication tariff prices in March this year. The main contents of the adjustment include: the digital, digital data, and analog circuit tariffs that China Telecom leased will be reduced by an average of another 30% on the basis of post-adjustment prices on March 1. The monthly rental fee of the analog trunk leased by the business unit to China Telecom will be reduced from the current 600 yuan to 280 yuan; the monthly fee for the international half-circuit (domestic) that leases China Telecom’s 2 megabit bandwidth to the operational Internet will be reduced by 31.25 yuan. %. Among them, the monthly rent of 2 trillion digital data circuits over 800 kilometers in the province is reduced by 50%. After the introduction of the telecom tariff adjustment policy, it has caused different reactions from various circles. For listed companies on the Internet, it is believed that the downward adjustment of telecom tariffs directly reduces the operating costs of enterprises and promotes users’ network consumption, which is a real positive benefit; and for some users who dial-up on the Internet, it is quite responsive. To be lukewarm, it is believed that this price reduction does not bring any direct benefit to the individual Internet users. Compared with before the adjustment, the Internet access cost will not be significantly reduced. So, what are the characteristics of this time’s telecom tariff adjustment and who is the real winner?
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