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在思想品德课教学观摩、优质课评比和教学交流的过程中,有的教师对情境教学法运用不当,甚至产生了一些认识误区。因而,有必要进行教学反思和再探索。误区一:涉猎新奇,脱离学生实际。有的教师为了提高教学情境的新颖性、感染力,选择一些与学生生活关联不大的情境材料,看似新颖深刻,实则脱离学生生活实际和已有知识经验,不能帮助学生通过“同化”和“顺应”的学习过程,实现新知和意义的自主建构。误区二:关注生动,忽视教学目标。有的教师对创设情境的教学目的不明确,在教学中接二连三地播放视频,只为增加教学的生动度和吸引力,整堂课看似热闹 In the process of teaching and observing ideological and morality classes, high-quality class competitions and teaching exchanges, some teachers improperly apply situational teaching methods and even create some misunderstandings. Therefore, it is necessary to reflect on the teaching and explore again. Misunderstanding one: about novelty, from the students actually. Some teachers in order to improve the novelty of the teaching situation, appeal, and select some context materials that have little to do with the student life, seemingly novel and profound, but actually from the students’ actual life and existing knowledge and experience, can not help students through the “assimilation ”And“ conform to ”the learning process, to achieve the new knowledge and meaning of self-construction. Misunderstanding 2: attention vivid, ignoring the teaching objectives. Some teachers are not clear about the purpose of setting up teaching situations, and they play videos one after another in their teaching, just to increase the vividness and attractiveness of teaching.
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