
来源 :地质调查与研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tiankun7294
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松辽盆地是处于西伯利亚板块、华北板块和太平洋板块所挟持的构造地带,属于佳蒙地块中的镶嵌状微地块活动造山带,为中-新生代陆相含油盆地叠合于晚古生代海相盆地之上的延变型叠合盆地。盆地内中、古生代地层,均呈“水、火”二元结构;区内火山-岩浆活动频繁,并有三多(多期、多旋回、多侵入-喷发中心)特征;具有“双机”(有机和无机)、“双相”(陆相和海相)叠合成藏特点;“开”与“合”型构造活动是坍塌裂谷的表象,从地表(陆相盆地)—地壳(海相晚古生代残留盆地)—岩石圈的“三层式”构造格局研究,呈现了NNE-NE与EW向“立交桥式”构造样式。简而言之,松辽盆地为一破盆(断裂丛生、火山-岩浆活动破坏)、矿盆(盆内油气藏丰富、边缘多金属矿产广为分布)、热盆(地热梯度甚高)、浆盆(盆地内外大量火山岩及岩浆岩分布)、歪盆(中央隆起的两侧的凹陷和断裂均不对称)和水盆(自古生界至中、新生界沉积岩产出)。针对叠合盆地成藏作用,可将深部的海相碳酸岩型油气藏或火山岩型气田作为找藏主攻方向,提出了“区域展开、重点突破”的战略方针和具体的深部找藏建议。通过研究和预测,初步认为深部具有良好的找藏潜力,坚信定能实现“百年大庆”的宏伟规划。 The Songliao Basin is a tectonic belt hosted by the Siberian plate, the North China plate and the Pacific plate. It belongs to the inlaid microcracks active orogenic belt in the Jia-Meng block, and is a part of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic continental oil-bearing basin superimposed on the Late Paleozoic Sea Depositional superimposed basin above the basin. The Mesozoic and Paleozoic strata in the basin all have the dual structure of “water and fire”. The volcanic-magmatic activity in the area is frequent and there are more than three features (multi-period, multi-cycle, multiple intrusive-eruption centers) Double organic “and” double phase “(continental and marine). The” open “and” in “tectonic activities are the appearance of collapsed rift The surface (continental basin) - ”crust“ (Late Paleozoic residual basins) - ”three-layer“ tectonic pattern of lithosphere, showing the NNE-NE and EW to ”overpass“ structural styles. In short, the Songliao Basin consists of a broken basin (fault rupture, volcanic-magmatic activity destruction), a mineral basin (rich in oil and gas in the basin and widely distributed in the marginal polymetallic mineral), a thermal basin (with very high geothermal gradient) (The volcanic and magmatic rocks are distributed both inside and outside the basin), the crooked basin (both the depression and the fracture on both sides of the central uplift) and the basin (from the Paleozoic to Meso-Cenozoic sedimentary rocks). In view of the accumulation of superimposed basins, deep marine carbonatite-type reservoirs or volcanic-type gas fields may be taken as the main direction for finding and reserving reservoirs, and a strategic guideline of ”regional deployment and key breakthroughs“ . Through research and forecasting, it is initially believed that there is a good potential for finding and reserving deep in the deep areas, and it is firmly believed that the grand plan of ”hundred years of celebration" will be realized.
吉莉安·韦莲(Gillian Wearing)是一位概念艺术家,也是“年轻的英国艺术家(YBA)”之一,曾获英国艺术家奖(The Annual British Fine Arts Award)和特纳奖(TheTurner Prize,199