【摘 要】
Holographic imaging offers a reliable and fast method to capture the complete three-dimensional (3D) information of the scene from a single perspective. We review our recently proposed single-channel optical system for generating digital Fresnel holograms
【机 构】
【出 处】
Holographic imaging offers a reliable and fast method to capture the complete three-dimensional (3D) information of the scene from a single perspective. We review our recently proposed single-channel optical system for generating digital Fresnel holograms of 3D real-existing objects illuminated by incoherent light. In this motionless holographic technique, light is reflected, or emitted from a 3D object, propagates through a spatial light modulator (SLM), and is recorded by a digital camera. The SLM is used as a beamsplitter of the single-channel incoherent interferometer, such that each spherical beam originated from each object point is split into two spherical beams with two different curve radii. Incoherent sum of the entire interferences between all the couples of spherical beams creates the Fresnel hologram of the observed 3D object. When this hologram is reconstructed in the computer, the 3D properties of the object are revealed.
本文提出一种使用立方相位光栅测量涡旋光束高阶轨道角动量(Orbital Angular Momentum, OAM)模式的方法。将艾里光束特有的相位变化特性与光栅的结构函数结合,设计一种立方相位光栅,并将涡旋光束准直入射至立方相位光栅的不同入射点上以产生衍射图。数值仿真和实验结果表明,通过分析衍射图中的类厄米-高斯衍射图样可以较容易地测量入射光束的OAM模式。入射光束拓扑荷值的大小由衍射图中的亮条纹数决定,其正负值由亮条纹的分布走向决定。优化后的实验链路可简化实验操作,效果明显,可将检测的拓扑荷值最高可达
柔性透明电极因其轻便、柔性、低成本等特点备受广大研究者的关注,在平板显示器、太阳能电池、触控面板等光电器件中具有很好的应用前景。采用光刻方法制备的银网格透明电极在可见光范围内(400~800 nm)的透射率大于90.48%、方块电阻可低至4.1 Ω/sq,且该透明电极具有很高的光导比σDC/σOP和良好的柔性,经过1000次弯曲,其方块电阻仅增加11.8%。进一步采用丝网印刷技术将金属网格应用于4 inch(1 inch=2.54 cm)柔性电阻触摸屏,验证了该透明电极在大面积的均匀性与可靠性。
We propose and investigate a compact optical fiber sensor that aims to measure the torsion in both amount and direction with high sensitivity. This sensor is configured by a triangular-prism-shaped long-period fiber grating, which is fabricated by the hig
为了提高神光II 5 PW (SGII-5 PW) 超短脉冲激光系统的运行安全性, 针对大能量光参量啁啾脉冲放大(OPCPA)光束近场分布均匀性问题, 从理论上进行了数值模拟, 并与实验数据进行了对比分析。在1 PW级放大器模拟中, 以预放大器以及神光II大能量抽运脉冲的测量数据为基础, 利用参量耦合波方程组数值模拟方法, 得到了近场填充因子与光通量对比度在光参量放大过程中的演变, 并结合转换效率与输出稳定性进行讨论, 得到了对应于高光束质量、高转换效率与高稳定性的非线性晶体长度优化范围, 结果还表明抽运
A monolithic integrated few-mode transmitter comprising of two directly modulated distributed feedback lasers and a multimode-interference-coupler-based mode converter-multiplexer with 66% mode conversion efficiency was designed and demonstrated. A fundam