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业务学习是目前存在于广大药工同志中间的一个主要问题,很多同志写信来问:‘应该怎样进行业务学习呢?我们这么忙,又没有人指导。’‘在工作岗位上真的能提高吗?’——这些问题,傅连暲同志‘在工作中能学习吗?’(载本刊一卷八期)一文已作了明确的答复。希望读者再参考该文、加以学习和体会。我们近来也曾收到一些讨论业务学习的稿件。大多数的稿作者都肯定地认为在工作岗位上是能够提高的。如东北某陆军医院王鸣和来稿说:‘我原是一个高小程度的青年,自参加药房工作后,经过三年来刻苦不断的努力学习,终于克服了学习上的许多困难,目前已掌握了药物学、无机化学、有机化学、调剂学等方面的基础知识,进一步并自修药剂学、药品鉴定……。’上海公安医院倪沈陶,郑州铁路医院覃英尉等来稿中也都用具体事例说明工作中可以学到很多东西,如他们说:‘有些同志离开学校不久,学校里学过的东西在工作中得到印证,学校里未学过的东西在工作中也摸索到了很多。’‘有些同志从来没有调剂能力,经过短期的工作锻炼,已能单独负责调剂工作。’类似这样的报道还很多。对于怎样进行业务学习的问题,来稿中也介绍了各单位的学习情况和经验体会。如天津军医大学临床学院药局的同志们写道:在工作岗位上学习,‘首先要以现场工作为学习材料,使与学到的书本知识相印证,并提高工作,其次要钻进去,多加思考,学一点就要弄通一点,循序渐进,不可好高骛远。再次要放开眼界,留心新的书刊,吸收新知……。’他们并建立了许多学习的制度,如讲课、笔记、实验、复习、测验、业务讨论会等。贵阳工人医院张意诚在稿件中介绍了全贵阳市药工人员业务学习的全年计划,这个计划的特点是首先学习药剂人员的修养,培养对专业的热爱,由此入手,打好业务思想基础,然后依次学习药材的管理报销、器械的保管方法,等等。下面是从这些来稿中选出的比较有着代表性的四篇,发表出来供大家参考和讨论。 Business learning is one of the major issues that currently exist among the majority of druggam workers. Many comrades wrote to ask: ’How should we conduct business studies? We are so busy and nobody guides us.’ ’Are you really improving in your job?’ - These questions have clearly answered Comrade Fu Lian’i’s question of “can you study at work?” (Journal of Chinese Literature, Vol. VIII, No. 8). I hope readers refer to the article, to learn and understand. We have also received some recent articles discussing business studies. Most authors agree that work-related improvement is possible. For example, Wang Ming and a manuscript from a military hospital in the northeast China said: ’I was originally a young man of high or low scores. After attending the pharmacy for the first time, after three years hard working hard to study, I finally overcame many difficulties in my studies and now I have mastered Pharmacology, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Dispensing and other aspects of the basic knowledge, and further self-pharmacy, drug identification ....... ’Shanghai Public Security Hospital NI Shen Tao, Zhengzhou Railway Hospital Qin Ying Wei and other contributions are also used to illustrate the specific examples of work can learn a lot of things, as they say:’ Some comrades left school soon, learned in school at work to get Confirmed that things that have not been learned in the school also found a lot in the work. "Some comrades have never been able to adjust their skills and, after a short period of work and exercise, have been solely responsible for the adjustment work. A lot of reports like this one. For how to conduct business learning, the manuscript also introduced the learning experience and experience of all units. Comrades from the Military Academy of Pharmacy, Tianjin Military Medical University, wrote: When studying in workplaces, we must firstly use field work as a learning material to verify and improve the work of book knowledge learned, and secondly, to drill in and add more Thinking, learn a little more work to get through, step by step, can not be ambitious. Once again, let’s broaden our horizons, pay attention to new books, absorb new knowledge ....... They also set up a number of learning systems, such as lectures, notes, experiments, reviews, quizzes, business seminars and more. ZhangYiCheng, Guiyang Workers’ Hospital, introduced the full-year plan of business learning of pharmacy staff in Guiyang in the manuscript. The plan is characterized by first studying the cultivation of pharmacists and cultivating the love of the profession, starting from this, laying a solid foundation for business thinking, Then learn the management of medicinal reimbursement, equipment storage methods, and so on. The following is a representative of the four selected from these contributions, published for your reference and discussion.
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