茶垢不除 或可致癌

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中国茶文化源远流长,在不少人的心目中,饮茶既能陶冶情操,又能保健养生。然而喝茶虽然有益身心,如果不注意细节和习惯,却可能适得其反,保健不成反伤身。众所周知,茶杯、茶壶等茶具容易积淀茶垢,但很多人对此不以为意,不爱清理,喝完茶大多是随手冲一冲就作罢。更有不少人认为茶垢多反而能增添茶香,茶具有较厚的茶垢 Chinese tea culture has a long history, in many people’s minds, tea can both cultivate sentiment, but also health care. However, while drinking tea is good for your body and mind, if you do not pay attention to the details and habits, it may be counterproductive, health care is not the opposite. As we all know, teacups, teapots and other tea easy to accumulate tea scale, but many people do not care about this, do not love to clean up, most of the tea is readily washed off. Many more people believe that tea scales can add more tea, tea has a thick tea scale
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