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2016年年底,普京总统向俄罗斯议会发表了年度国情咨文。普京没有像以往那样在咨文中畅谈地缘政治和外交关系,只是对国际局势做了相当简要的回顾,对国内政治和社会问题也着墨不多,而是将关注点集中在国内经济问题上,以过半的篇幅阐述了俄罗斯当前的经济形势和联邦政府应当采取的治理措施。普京在国情咨文中指出,低迷的国际市场行情和西方制裁是造成俄罗斯经济停滞的重要原因,但根本原因则在国内。普京对近期国民经济中出现的一些积极变化给予了充分肯定和高度评价,并详尽地论证了其经济治理理念,指明了俄罗斯经济政策的优先方向,同时对联邦政府的经济工作做了具体部署,从中我们可以清楚地了解俄罗斯最高决策层对本国经济状况的认识以及对未来经济发展的预期和规划。 At the end of 2016, President Putin delivered the annual State of the Union address to the Russian parliament. Putin did not talk about geopolitics and diplomatic relations in the State of the Union as he once did. Instead, he made a rather brief review of the international situation and put too little ink on domestic political and social issues. Instead, Putin focused his attention on domestic economic issues, More than half of the space expounds the current economic situation in Russia and the governing measures that the federal government should take. Putin pointed out in his State of the Union address that the sluggish international market conditions and the sanctions imposed by the West are the main reasons for the stagnation of Russia’s economy. However, the fundamental reason lies at home. Putin fully affirmed and spoke highly of some positive changes that have taken place in the national economy in recent years. He elaborated on his concept of economic governance in detail and pointed out the priority direction of Russia’s economic policy. At the same time, Putin made specific arrangements for the economic work of the federal government, From which we can clearly understand Russia’s top decision-making level understanding of the economic situation in our country and the expectation and planning for the future economic development.
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