
来源 :档案学通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:laoxuejiu
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三、三位一体——走向良性循环的希望之路 没有数量就没有质量。只有当档案数据达到一定规模,即二次文献对一次文献达到一定覆盖面时,档案计算机检索系统才有实际的用武之地,其高效率才得以充分显示。为此,解决档案数量与数据工作人力之间的巨大落差问题便成为不可回避、不容迟缓的课题。尤其是国家各级各类档案馆,作为全国、地区和专业系统的中心档案数据库,这一矛盾更加突出。尽管许多馆采用加班加时、外雇标引员、录入员、适当调整著录级别等措施,但由于档案之山不断增高,老摆脱不了这种“老帐未清、又添新帐”的恶性循环的局面,所以必须寻找一种新的数据准备组织形式与工作方式。 (一)症结与出路。目前,从文件形成到档案进入档案馆的全过程中,有三方人员参与文件及档案的数据准备工作。一方是文件形成者与文书处理部门。中央和地方已有不少机关规定文件撰写人标拟文件主题词,并正式印制在文件的正文之后,有的机关还将文件主题词及其他若干特征录入计算机,作为自动化办公系统的数据材料。第二方是机关档案室工作人员。不少机关、团体、企业、事业单位已经开始建立自己的计算机检索系统,并为此而开展了对本机关档案的著录、标引、录入工作。第三方是档案馆工作人员。许多档案馆已投入专门人力建 Third, the Trinity - the road to a virtuous circle of hope No way there is no quality. Only when the archival data reaches a certain scale, that is, the secondary literature reaches a certain extent coverage of a document, does the file computer retrieval system have its actual uselessness and its high efficiency can be fully displayed. Therefore, solving the huge gap between the number of files and the data manpower has become an unavoidable task that can not be delayed. In particular, the various archives at all levels of the country, as the central archives database of national, regional and professional systems, this contradiction is even more prominent. Although many museums employ overtime hours, recruiting outsiders, recruiting staff, and appropriately adjusting the recording level, the old mountain of archives can not escape the viciousness of such “old accounts being cleared and adding new ones” Therefore, we must find a new form of data preparation and working methods. (A) the crux of the problem and the way out. At present, there are three parties involved in the preparation of the files and files for the entire process from the formation of the files to the entry of the archives into the archives. One is the filer and the clerical department. There are quite a few agencies in the central government and local governments that have stipulated the keywords of the written drafters of the documents and have printed them formally after the main body of the documents. Some organs also record the subject keywords of the documents and other features into the computer as the data materials of the automated office system . The second party is the file office staff. Many organs, organizations, enterprises and institutions have begun to set up their own computer retrieval systems and have carried out the recording, indexing and entry of archives of this organ. The third party is the archivist staff. Many archives have been dedicated to building human resources