
来源 :中国全科医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jacker0001
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目的调查河南地区真菌性角膜病的发病情况、流行病学特点、危险因素、主要致病真菌等。为进一步深入细致的基础研究和临床治疗奠定基础。方法回顾性调查1990年7月~1998年1月收入我院病房的240例(240眼)真菌性角膜病患者。结果7年的统计资料表明,真菌性角膜病患病人数呈逐年上升趋势。发病高峰集中在每年的10~12月。中青年患者居多。患病前有明确外伤史(主要是植物外伤史)者占总患病人数的36%。88.8%的患者接受了手术治疗。主要致病真菌属依次为镰孢菌属(69%)、曲菌属(1.5%)和青霉属(9.4%)、茄病镰孢菌是最主要的致病菌种。结论真菌性角膜炎是严重致盲性眼病。要重视角膜植物性外伤的处理。眼局部不滥用皮质类固醇和抗生素。要加强对常见角膜致病真菌的基础和临床研究。 Objective To investigate the incidence of fungal keratopathy in Henan Province, epidemiological characteristics, risk factors, the main pathogenic fungi. Lay the foundation for further thorough and detailed basic research and clinical treatment. Methods A retrospective survey of 240 patients (240 eyes) with fungal keratopathy who were admitted to our ward from July 1990 to January 1998 was retrospectively reviewed. Results Seven years of statistical data show that the number of patients with fungal keratopathy showed an upward trend year by year. The peak incidence in the annual 10 to December. Most young patients. Before the onset of a clear history of trauma (mainly plant trauma history) accounted for 36% of the total number of patients. 88.8% of patients underwent surgery. The main pathogenic fungi are Fusarium (69%), Aspergillus (1.5%) and Penicillium (9.4%), Fusarium solani is the most important pathogenic bacteria. Conclusions Fungal keratitis is a severe blinding eye disease. Should pay attention to the treatment of corneal trauma. Eye area does not abuse corticosteroids and antibiotics. To strengthen the common corneal pathogenic fungal basic and clinical research.
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