科学技术是第一生产力.湖南汉寿县蒋家嘴砖瓦厂领导“一班人”充分认识到这一点,于是他们始终抓住科技这个关键.1 注重培训.提高全员科技素质一是培训新手.该厂有近20名技术员以上职称的技术骨干.利用这一优势,厂里每周都安排技术骨干给新进厂的工人讲技术课,同时规定对新手实行为期3个月的跟班学习,然后才能上岗.二是选派出技术骨干走出去学习新技术.近几年.该厂先后派出技术骨干到湖北、河南、广东等地学习达100余人次.三是给职工创建学科技的硬环境.近几年,该厂投资6万元.办起了科技阅览室,订有《砖瓦》、《中国建材》、《建材工业信息》等20多种专业杂志.为了激发职工学科学、用科学的热情.该厂还经常开展一些有益的活动.1994年3月.厂里成功地举办了“砖瓦生产科技知识”有奖抢答赛.参赛者近百人.收到了意想不到的好效果.
Science and technology are the first productive forces. The leaders of “Hangzhou Jiashou Brick and Tile Factory in Hunan” have fully recognized this point, so they have always grasped the key to science and technology. 1 Focus on training. Improve the technical quality of all employees. First, training. Novice. The factory has nearly 20 technicians and more technical titles. Taking advantage of this advantage, the factory arranges technical staff every week to give technical lectures to new workers. At the same time, it provides a three-month follow-up study for newcomers. , and then to work. Second, send selected technical personnel to go out to learn new technologies. In recent years, the plant has sent technical backbone to Hubei, Henan, Guangdong and other places to learn more than 100 people. Third, to create a hard science and technology for employees Environment. In recent years, the plant has invested 60,000 yuan. It has set up a science and technology reading room and has more than 20 professional magazines such as Brick, China Building Materials and Building Materials Industry Information. With scientific enthusiasm, the factory also regularly carries out some useful activities. In March of 1994, the factory successfully held the “Technical Knowledge on the Production of Bricks and Tiles” prize rush competition. Nearly 100 people participated in the contest. They received unexpected and good results. .