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8月,“品质中国,制造未来——首届中国制造2025高峰论坛暨发现中国制造最佳品质评选”活动在北京启动。国务院发展研究中心原副主任刘世锦、英特尔中国研究院院长吴甘沙、中国智能制造百人会常务副秘书长、工信部《中国制造2025》解读出版负责人、华信研究院智能研究所所长徐静等人出席活动并就“中国制造”进行了深入的探讨。 In August, “Quality China, Making the Future - The First China-Made 2025 Summit Forum and Found the Best Quality Made in China” campaign was launched in Beijing. Liu Shijin, former deputy director of the Development Research Center of the State Council, Wu Gansha, president of Intel China Research Institute, executive deputy secretary general of the 100-member Chinese Association for Intelligent Manufacturing, chief of interpreting and publishing of “Made in China 2025” and director of Intelligent Research Institute of Watson Research Institute Xu Jing and others attended the event and conducted an in-depth discussion on “Made in China”.