
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hesur
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Background.: Central nervous system(CNS) metastases from cervical carcinoma are uncommon events. Leptomeningeal involvement from cervical squamous cell carcinoma has not been extensively described. Case.: A 43-year-old woman with initial diagnosis of stage IB squamous cervical carcinoma at age 30 was treated with hysterectomy and left salpingo-oophorectomy. She recurred with nodal disease at age 39 and went into a clinical com-plete remission after chemotherapy and radiation treatment. Three years later, she presented with symptoms of optic neuropathy. Cerebral spinal fluid(CSF) was positive for squamous cells consistent with primary cervical squamous cell carcinoma. No measurable disease was evident outside of the CNS. Conclusion.: Meningeal carcinomatosis from cervical squamous cell carcinoma involving optic nerves has not been reported. Rapid progression of this patient’s CNS metastatic disease suggests this form of metastases may be more aggressive and carry extremely poor prognosis. Background: Central nervous system (CNS) metastases from cervical carcinoma are uncommon events. Leptomeningeal involvement from cervical squamous cell carcinoma has not been extensively described. Case .: A 43-year-old woman with initial diagnosis of stage IB squamous cervical carcinoma at age 30 was treated with hysterectomy and left salpingo-oophorectomy. She recurred with nodal disease at age 39 and went into a clinical com-plete remission after chemotherapy and radiation treatment. Three years later, she presented with symptoms of optic neuropathy. (CSF) was positive for squamous cells consistent with primary cervical squamous cell carcinoma. No measurable disease was evident outside of the CNS. Conclusion .: Meningeal carcinomatosis from cervical squamous cell carcinoma involving optic nerves has not been reported. Rapid progression of this patient’s CNS metastatic disease suggests this form of metastases may be more aggressive and carry extremely poor prognosi s.
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