
来源 :空气动力学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dickensking
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本文通过对非定常轴对称流动的完全的N-S方程组的数值积分考察了浸没在均匀流中的孤立的轴对称涡旋的破裂。结果表明:当旋涡强度较弱时,旋涡是稳定的,解将渐近一定常流动,准圆柱形近似是对这种流动的极好的近似;当旋涡强度足够大时,解将是非定常的,存轴线附近将形成一个回流区,其形状和内部结构与Faler andLeibovich(1978)所观测到的内部为多包结构的破裂包十分相像。在适当的流动参数的组合下,流动将在若干时间以后呈现准周期性。用准圆柱形近似所作的平行的计算表明:就预测旋涡的破裂而言,两种方法的结果相当吻合。它们一致表明:至少在本计算所及的较低的雷诺数范围内,涡旋的破裂与雷诺数关系不大,且与上游流动的临界分类无关。 In this paper, the rupture of an isolated axisymmetric vortex immersed in a uniform flow is investigated by numerical integration of a complete N-S system of unsteady axisymmetric flows. The results show that the vortex is stable when the vortex intensity is weak and the solution will be asymptotically constant. The quasi-cylindrical approximation is an excellent approximation to this flow. When the vortex intensity is large enough, the solution will be unsteady , A recirculation zone will be formed near the storage axis. Its shape and internal structure are similar to the ruptured package with multi-pack structure observed by Faler and Leibovich (1978). With the appropriate combination of flow parameters, the flow will appear quasi-periodic after some time. The parallel calculations using the quasi-cylindrical approximation show that the results of the two methods are quite consistent in terms of predicting the vortex rupture. They consistently show that the vortex rupture has little to do with the Reynolds number, at least for the lower Reynolds numbers calculated in this calculation, and is not related to the critical classification of upstream flows.
简述测定温控材料低温比热的实验装置,并报道了用于七种卫星温控复合材料于-80—100℃温区的比热数据。 The experimental device for measuring the low temperature speci
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一、概述 组合夹具是我厂的主要民品,平面磨削工作量大,要求高,是牛产薄弱环节。所用M7120A平面磨床都是60年代产品,二班制使用了十多年,多数经过几次大修。机床主轴均为滑动
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前言随着数字计算机、CRT 和固体显示器在飞机座舱中的应用,一度被分离的座舱显示与控制装置正逐渐被设计成一体化的系统。平视显示器打破了飞行仪器和火控系统各自拥有专用