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2009年中央经济工作会议提出,要把解决符合条件的农业转移人口逐步在城镇就业和落户作为推进城镇化的重要任务,放宽中小城市和城镇户籍限制。毋庸置疑,国家放开政策让农民工落户城镇是一件大好事。可是,农民工进城却面临着诸多困难和压力,很容易出现“进城易,住城难”的局面。那么,农民进城落户难到底难在什么地方?农民都愿意进城落户吗?农民对进城落户都有些什么顾虑?相关部门应为农民进城落户做好哪些政策准备工作?本期栏目将——进行探讨。 In 2009, the Central Economic Work Conference proposed that it is necessary to ease the employment restrictions and settle down of migrant workers who meet the conditions in cities and towns as an important task in promoting urbanization and relax restrictions on household registration in small and medium-sized cities and towns. Undoubtedly, it is a good thing for the state to release its policy of settling migrant workers in cities and towns. However, migrant workers into the city are faced with many difficulties and pressures, it is easy to “” easy to enter the city, difficult to live in the city "situation. So, peasants into the city is difficult to settle in the end where? Peasants are willing to settle down in the city? Peasants have settled in the city have some concerns? Relevant departments should settle down for the peasants to settle down in the city what policy preparation? - to explore.