Dynamic Evaluation Model and Application Methods for Engineering Machine Maintenance Quality

来源 :International Journal of Plant Engineering and Management | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a9249228
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It is an important content of equipment management to keep the engineering machine well. Based on the theory of component technology and grey related algorithm arithmetic,the requirements and procedures of engineering machine maintenance predicting process are analyzed,and a support object evaluation system is provided. The qualitative and quantitative indexes of evaluating process are fully taken into consideration to provide scientific meth- ods and ways for proper evaluation and decision. It is an important content of equipment management to keep the engineering machine well. Based on the theory of component technology and gray related algorithm arithmetic, the requirements and procedures of engineering machine maintenance predicting process are analyzed, and a support object evaluation system is provided. The qualitative and quantitative indexes of evaluating process are are taken into consideration to provide scientific meth ods and ways for proper evaluation and decision.
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