Do You Love Your Family?

来源 :考试与评价·七年级版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:walkman73
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  Hello!This is Linda. Her last name is Brown. She is traveling (旅行) in China with her friends now. Her telephone number is 746-9136. There are three people in her family. Mary Brown is her mother. She is in the USA. Her telephone number is 734-8052. Her father is Tom Brown. He is in the USA, too. His telephone number is 395-4621.
  A. I like my family very much.
  B. There are eleven people in my family.
  C. They are in Shanghai with their mother.
  D. His name is Wang Ping.
  E. His name is David.
  F. This is a photo of my family.
  G. These are my parents.
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【检测练习】  选择填空。  1. There is (有)______ “p” in the word “photo” and there is ______ “f” in the word “afternoon”.  A. a; anB. a; aC. an; anD. an; a  2. You must bring me ______ umbrella (雨伞).  A. a B. anC
大家知道,在中国,父亲、母亲和“我”,就是一个家庭的重要组成部分,有趣的是,英语单词family也含有这个特殊意义。原来f—father, a—and, m—mother, i—I, l—love, y—you。“family”就是“Father and mother, I love you!”(父亲,母亲,我爱你们!)  孩子开口说话,总是从最简单的词开始,所以最先学会的对妈妈的称呼是ma,ma