
来源 :天津体育学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tiantianaiguo
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In the Hellings Nordtvedt theory, we obtain some expressions of energy radiation and mass defect effect for a kind of the active galactic nuclei, which is meani
We complete the derivation of the Cornwall-Jackiw-Tomboulis effective potential for quark propagator at finite temperature and finite quark chemical potential i
<正> 生产经营中的短期行为,是一种舍远求近、竭泽而渔的掠夺性经营方式,在银行储蓄领域里,则表现为不讲政策,不讲信誉,不讲核算,单纯追求储蓄存款高速增长。这种短期行为,如
The integrability character of nonlinear equations of motion of two-dimensional gravity with dynamical torsion and bosonic string coupling is studied in this pa
在被试身体处于运动状态与静止状态条件下,以光电速示器1/10秒档次,显示九个数字,要求记忆。同时,以自制QSF 全身反应时测试仪,记录规定跳跃动作的动作时间。结果,身体处于运
We study target-searching processes on a percolation, on which a hunter tracks a target by smelling odors it emits. The odor intensity is supposed to be inverse
【正】 本文对排球比赛中各个轮次都进行了改革设计,使接发球站位由W形变为M形。1 W形接发球站位多年以来我国在排球比赛中都运用W形接发球站位方法。(见图1) 1.1 现在发球落
<正> 结算资金的拖欠延付,尽管采取了一系列措施进行清理,但新的拖欠延付仍不断发生。形成新的结算资金拖欠延付的原因,归纳起来有以下几种情况:(1)国家计划体制改革后,实行