
来源 :农业科技通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jinn
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把小麦种子均匀地播在湿土地里,上边盖一块湿透的砖,进行发芽试验,这是一种简单易行的方法。其具体做法是:一、种子准备在9,10月间,麦种休眠期过后,在麦种中随机取100粒为一份,共取二、三份。以备播种。二、整地在管理方便的菜园地里,选择两三块砖块大小的平坦地块,松土后整平。如果土墒不足,应浇水补墒后整地。三、播种将事前准备好的两、三份麦种,分别均匀地撒在每块砖一样大小的地里,尔后再将湿透的砖块盖上,并用脚踩一下砖,使种子与土 It is a simple and easy way to sow the wheat seeds evenly in the wet soil and cover the top with a wet through brick for germination testing. The specific approach is: First, seed preparation In September and October, after the dormant period of wheat, wheat seeds randomly selected as a 100, a total of two or three copies. Ready for sowing. Second, site preparation In the management of convenient vegetable garden, select two or three flat-sized blocks of land, loose soil leveling. If soil moisture is insufficient, water should be added to soil and soil. Third, the sowing will be prepared in advance of two or three copies of wheat, respectively, evenly sprinkled in the same size of each brick, and then covered with wet through the bricks, and step on the brick with the foot, the seeds and soil
1982年,画家陈逸飞只身飞往纽约留学。23年后,上海逸飞集团仅旗下的Leyefe牌服饰一年赢利就超过360万美元,逸飞集团的总资产已超过1亿人民币……  在中国当代文化史上,和陈逸飞类似的人物,是香港的金庸。金庸借助其个人创办的《明报》及其武侠小说的出版,同样把自己打造成文化人里的亿万富翁。  有钱做自己喜欢做的事情,做自己喜欢的事情能赚大钱,这算得上是理想的成功人士的生活了。陈逸飞的贡献,在于
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Objective To summarize the management of anastomotic leak following surgery for esophageal car-cinoma. Methods The medical records of the patients developing di