《中语参》的刊龄与我的教龄相同,但不敢说《中语参》伴随我走过了23年的教育生涯。因为我结识她是在走上教研员岗位之后、从事教研员的这些年来,我是《中语参》的坚定订户,我是《中语参》的忠实读者。她是我工作的助手,学习的资料,发表的园地。 我对《中语参》的印象可以归纳为以下几点: 1.《中语参》是为语文教师铺路的石子。《中语参》服务于教师,服务于教学,服务于教改。她是教师理解
The length of “Chinese Language Senate” is the same as my teaching age, but I can not say “Chinese Senate” with me through 23 years of education. Because I got to know that she was a researcher and engaged in teaching and research staff after I went to the post of teaching and research staff, I am a firm subscriber of “Chinese” and I am a loyal reader of “Chinese”. She is an assistant to my work, learning materials, published in the field. My impression of “Chinese Senate” can be summarized as follows: 1. “Chinese Senate” is a paving stone for Chinese teachers. “Chinese language reference” service to teachers, service teaching, service teaching reform. She is a teacher to understand