普希金不仅仅是“俄罗斯诗歌的太阳”,他属于全世界。 普希金是深受我国各族人民尊敬和喜爱的外国作家之一。他积极地影响了我国现当代文学的发展。 研究者们一般把1903年出版的《上尉的女儿》汉译本定为我国译介普希金及俄国文学作品的先例,其实,这是针对汉民族和汉语世界而言。生活在我国西北边陲的维吾尔、哈萨克、乌孜别克、柯尔克孜、塔吉克等少数民族,因所处地域和发展历史等原因,受俄罗斯文化影响的时间较长,程度较深。他们属跨国民族,有俄罗斯或前苏联境内的同民族的文化人这个中介,普希金及其他俄罗斯作家的作品在他们中间的传播和接受,其速度快于中原大地,受影响的程度也深于汉民族。这些少数民族的现当代文学,特别是现当代诗歌是在普希金的直接影响下发展壮大的。著名的维吾尔族当代诗人库尔班·巴拉提的成长发展历程可谓范例之一,颇具典型意义。
Pushkin is more than “the sun of Russian poetry”; he belongs to the whole world. Pushkin is one of the foreign writers who is greatly respected and loved by the people of all ethnic groups in our country. He has positively affected the development of modern and contemporary Chinese literature. Researchers generally defined the Chinese version of Captain’s Daughter, which was published in 1903 as a precedent for the translation of Pushkin’s and Russian literary works into our country. In fact, this is for the Han nationality and the Chinese world. Ethnic minorities such as Uyghur, Kazak, Uzbek, Kirgiz and Tajik who live in the northwestern border of our country have been affected by Russian culture for a long time and to a large extent due to their geographical and development history. They belong to the transnational ethnic group, with the intermediary of the same ethnic group of people in Russia or the former Soviet Union. The work of Pushkin and other Russian writers spread and accepted among them is faster than that of the Central Plains and is also affected to a greater extent than Han Ethnic. Modern and contemporary literature of these minorities, especially modern and contemporary poetry, have grown stronger under the direct influence of Pushkin. The famous Uighur contemporary poet Kurban Barrathe can be described as one of the typical examples of the growth and development process.