适应新编制 全面提高能力素质

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加强能力建设,是我党我军当前和今后一个时期重大而紧迫的战略任务,也是摆在人武系统各级党委机关和广大干部面前的一个现实课题,这对于我们做好军事斗争准备具有深远意义。因此,我们各级人武部门必须站在战略的高度,从长计议,抓紧抓好。加强能力素质建设,必须清醒认识人武系统面临的新形势。当前世界范围内正在掀起一场以军事理论创新为先导,以人才建设为关键,以武器装备为重点,以体制编制优化为突破的新军事变革。党中央、中央军委审时度势,提出了积极推进中国特色军事变革,努力实现机械化、信息化建设的双重历史任务的战略决策。目前,军分区、人武部正在全面落实新的编制,给民兵预备役工作带来了许多新情况、新问题。编制员额减少,抓落实的力量相对减弱;领导层次精简,缺少了中间环节;干部职责分工发生变化,对其能力素质提出了 Strengthening capacity-building is a major and urgent strategic task for our party, our army and for some time in the future. It is also an actual issue before party organs and cadres at all levels of the armed forces system and it is far-reaching for us to prepare for the military struggle significance. Therefore, the people’s armed forces departments at all levels must stand at a strategic height, consider them from a long point of view, and pay close attention to them. To strengthen the capacity and capability construction, we must clearly recognize the new situation confronting the armed forces system. At present, a new military revolution featuring military theory innovation as the guide, talent construction as the key issue, weapons and equipment as the key issue, and organizational restructuring as the breakthrough is being set off in the world. The Central Party Committee and the Central Military Commission have reviewed the situation and proposed strategic decisions to actively promote the dual historical mission of mechanization and informationization by actively promoting the military reform with Chinese characteristics. At present, the military sub-district and the People’s Armed Forces Department are implementing the new establishment in an all-round way and have brought many new situations and new problems to the militia reserve work. The establishment of posts is reduced, and the strength of implementation is relatively weakened; the leadership is streamlined and there is a lack of intermediate links; the division of responsibilities among cadres changes and its ability and quality are raised
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