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构建具有中国学术品格的翻译理论,必然意味着全面厘清其核心概念系统,阐明它们相对于西方译论的独特之处。“翻译”就是中国译论的内核术语。它和西方译学的核心术语“translate”语义基因不同,但后者的语义诱导使我国外语界将“翻译学”等同于“Translation Studies”或“Translation and Interpreting Studies”。本文根据“翻译”在汉语中的语义规范,提出译释学和中国译释学概念。中国译释学主要从历时和共时角度研究发生在中国境域内的译释现象。它有纵横两大主脉:纵脉是以儒经注疏为典型的我国文化典籍的历代译释,横脉是以佛典汉译和西方典籍汉译为典型的外国文化典籍的口头或笔头译释。二者交织,造就了我国的学术版图和思想文化发展形态。 To construct a translation theory with Chinese academic qualifications necessarily means to clarify its core conceptual system in an all-round way and clarify the unique features of the translation theories relative to the West. “Translation ” is the kernel term for Chinese translation theory. It is different from the semantic gene of “translate ”, which is the core terminology of Western translation studies. However, the semantic induction of the latter makes our foreign language circles to equate “translation studies” with “Translation Studies” or “Translation and Interpreting Studies ”. Based on the semantic norms of “translation ” in Chinese, this paper puts forward the concepts of hermeneutics and Chinese hermeneutics. Chinese hermeneutics mainly studies the phenomena of translating and interpretation occurring in the Chinese context from diachronic and synchronic perspectives. It has vertical and horizontal main lines: The longitudinal veins are the typical interpretations of the ancient Chinese cultural classics based on Confucianism, and the transverse veins are the oral or written interpretations of the Buddhist classics and Western classics translated into typical foreign cultural classics . The two intertwined, creating our academic layout and ideological and cultural development.
摘 要:导入新课的过程是一个富有艺术性的过程。虽然有一定的方法,但无定法,而且是不断变化的。只要我们在新课标理念下不断深入,在教学中精心设计,认真总结,就会发现更多更好的方法,来激发学生的学习兴趣和求知欲望。  关键词:小学数学;情趣导入;应用  俗话说:“好的开头等于成功了一半。”教师如能精心设计导入新课的好方法,将学生吸引到学习的美好氛围中,就能把学生带入思维和创新之门,使他们尽快进入愉快的情
摘要:巴江平坡村是少数民族苗族聚居地,这里的农民画色彩艳丽,造型夸张,以丰富多样的形式描绘着当地苗家人的生活。然而,现今其发展面临着很多困境。本文将从其保护与传承方面进行探讨,以期为平坡农民画的发展提供新思路。  关键词:农民画 保护 传承  一、发展概况  贵州省龙里县巴江乡平坡村是一个苗族聚居村寨,全村约1680人,其中苗族人口占84%。这里较完好地保留了当地的传统民族民间文化,包括苗族原始宗
电视新闻的特点界定了电视新闻与报纸、广播、新闻电影的不同个性。电视新闻现场感的优势在于现场视角的真实性和纪实手法的独特性。 The characteristics of television ne