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外周血干细胞移植的关键是外周血造血干细胞。血细胞分离机则是采集外周血造血干细胞至关重要的仪器。我科于1997年7月对我省首例接受自体外周血造血干细胞移植患者采用新型血细胞分离机———CobeSpectraTm进行了2次分离单采外周血造血干细胞,其产品经过检测其单个核细胞数,CD34阳性细胞数及CFu-GM集落数均达到了移植要求的标准。受者在经过大剂量化疗预处理后回输上述产品,在移植后+11天,白细胞上升>10×109/L,中性粒细胞>05×109/L,血小板>20×109/L。证明受者造血功能已重建,外周血造血干细胞移植效果是肯定的。因此,根据该例受者采集及移植的效果,我们认为CobeSpectraTm新型细胞分离机具有较高的外周血干细胞收集效率,足以满足治疗所需要的造血干细胞数量,所需时间短,对患者安全无毒害。 The key of peripheral blood stem cell transplantation is peripheral blood stem cell. Blood cell separator is the collection of peripheral blood stem cells is an important instrument. Our department in July 1997 on the first case of our province to accept autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation using a new type of blood cell separator --- Cobe SpectraTm conducted 2 separate apheresis peripheral blood stem cells, the product after testing its number of mononuclear cells , The number of CD34 positive cells and the number of CFu-GM colonies reached the standard of transplantation requirements. The recipients returned to the above-mentioned products after the high-dose chemotherapy pretreatment. The leukocytosis increased to> 1.0 × 109 / L + neutrophils> 0.5 × 109 / L and the platelets> 20 × 109 / L. Proved that the recipient’s hematopoietic function has been reconstructed, the effect of peripheral blood stem cell transplantation is positive. Therefore, we believe CobeSpectraTm new cell separators have a high collection efficiency of peripheral blood stem cells, sufficient to meet the number of hematopoietic stem cells required for treatment, and require less time and are safe to the patient, based on the effects of the recipients’ acquisition and transplantation .
介绍一种利用激光反射法测量红细胞变形性的仪器。采用 8098单片机和双圆筒切变系统,实现 TOPCON486微机自动采集分析光强信号,可快速测量 3个变形参数。 An instrument for measuring the d
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