买东西,特别是买笔记本电脑这样的大件的时候,人们都喜欢算算帐。算帐的时候有人关心“功能”,有人关心“价钱”,有人关心“品牌”,现在更多的人开始关心“服务”,因为谁也不敢保证买来的笔记本电脑不会坏,坏了之后,轻点儿的耽误时间、少用几天,严重的还要赔钱。 我朋友去年买了一台笔记本电脑,前些天出差广州参加一个竞标,路上不小心笔记本磕了车门,显示屏不亮了。
When shopping, especially when buying large items such as laptops, people like to count accounts. Some people are concerned about “functionality” when calculating accounts. Some people are concerned about “prices.” Some people are concerned about “brands.” Now more people are beginning to care about “services,” because no one can guarantee that the laptops bought will not be broken. Afterwards, the delay time is lighter, and it takes less than a few days. In serious cases, it also loses money. My friend bought a laptop last year and on a business trip to Guangzhou last day took part in a bid. The laptop accidentally hit the door and the display did not light up.