The capital market spillover effect of product market advertising: Evidence from stock price synchro

来源 :中国工商管理研究前沿 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:darfehost
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We analyze whether product market advertising has a spillover effect on stock price synchronicity by transmitting firm-specific information to the capital market and attracting more investor attention.Using a sample of Chinese listed firms from 2009 to 2017,we find that firms with greater advertising expenditures have lower stock price synchronicity.The results are robust after we address endogeneity concs.In accord with our hypothesis that product market advertising increases the amount of firm-level information capitalized into stock prices through the information channel,we find that the impact of advertising on synchronicity is more pronounced for firms with a higher degree of information asymmetry and firms in the consumer-product industry.Further tests show that product market advertising enhances the ability of current period rets to reflect future eings,and thus rules out that the negative relationship between advertising and synchronicity is driven by noise trading.Our results imply that product market advertising plays an informative role and improves information efficiency in a capital market.
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