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尊敬的人类:你们好!我叫噪音。自从《中华人民共和国环境噪声污染防治法》于1997年3月1日起施行以来,我屡屡受到了道德法庭的传讯、审判和教诲,最终幡然省悟。忽感良心发现,悔恨交加:为什么要做损人害己的事情呢?痛定思痛,现在,我就对我的过错做一番自我剖白,以求得你们的宽恕,谅解。这样,我才能够解脱烦恼。我是以“分贝”计量的。分贝值在55以下为正常 Dear man: Hello, my name is noise. Since the “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Environmental Noise Pollution” came into force on March 1, 1997, I have been repeatedly summoned, tried and taught by the Ethics Court. Feeling conscientious discoveries, remorse: Why do you do harm to others? Bitter experience, now, I will do some self-profiling of my fault in order to get your forgiveness, understanding. In this way, I can relieve the troubles. I am measuring at “db”. The decibel value below 55 is normal
The Ministry of Agriculture (MA) and theMinistry of Industry and Information Tech-nology (MIIT) jointly announced to repulsethe registration for glyphosate AS
用MR高分子絮凝剂和WS-F净水剂为高氟区改水。本方法简易可行。 With MR polymer flocculant and WS-F water purification agent for the high fluorine area of ​​water.
同学们,你们知道世界上最公正的人是谁吗?他就是时间老人。时间老人给每个人都是二十四小时,不会多谁一分一秒,也不会少谁一分一秒。 Classmates, do you know who the most
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