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昔日,英姿飒爽的她们,在绿色的方阵中,一腔豪气,不让须眉;今天,人到中年的她们,在社会变革的大潮中,搏风击浪,又写新章。在十几年、二十几年的军旅生涯中,她们有的是团队主官,有的是技术骨干;有的曾亲历战火硝烟,有的曾多次立功受奖……在告别军营,站在人生新的起跑线上时,她们却勇敢地选择了自主择业,从零开始,去求证自己生命的价值和意义。她们的事迹很平凡,她们的事业也仅仅是刚刚起步,但她们却以自己的坚毅和勇气,心血和智慧,充分展示了共和国女转业军官特有的魅力……三月是春天的季节,三月有一个属于妇女的节日。值此,我们编发了这组稿件,献给当年的女军人,今天的女转业军官。让我们在回忆激情如火的岁月的同时,更激发创造美好未来的信心和力量。 In the past, they were valiant and valiant, and in the green square they were proud of themselves and never let their minds. Today, when they are middle-aged, they struggle against the wind and write new chapters in the tide of social change. In more than a dozen years and more than two decades of military career, some of them are team leaders and some are technical backbone; some have witnessed war and smoke, and others have repeatedly won meritorious awards ... ... At the bargain of military camp, standing on the new starting line of life At that time, they have bravely chosen to choose their own jobs and start from scratch to prove the value and significance of their own lives. Their deeds are trivial, and their career is only just beginning, but with their perseverance, courage, hard work and wisdom, they fully demonstrate the unique charm of the Republican female military officers ... ... March is the spring season, March There is a festival for women. On this occasion, we compiled this set of manuscripts for the current female soldiers and today's women diversion officers. Let us also remember the confidence and strength to create a beautiful future while recalling the years of passion.
38岁正值壮年,曾为我们创造了太多“奇迹”的王均瑶在他事业的顶峰,如流星坠落,令人扼腕。 At the age of 38, he is at a prime age. Wang Junyao, who once created too
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