孩子学钢琴在全国尤其在大城市早已不算新生事物,这些年学琴热有增无减。但是,在天津还有一批银发老人学弹钢琴并登上了舞台,在艺术殿堂上形成了一条亮丽的风景线。这就是天津音协钢琴专业委员会组织的“天津市成年人钢琴演奏联谊会”。 1999年1月30日,天津南洋饭店豪华的
Children learn piano in the country, especially in big cities already not new things, piano piano over the years unabated. However, a group of silver-haired elders in Tianjin also learned to play the piano and took the stage to form a beautiful landscape on the Palace of the Arts. This is the Tianjin Music Association Piano Committee organized by the “Tianjin Piano Friends Association.” January 30, 1999, Tianjin Nanyang Hotel luxury