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1.尊师重教,增强教师的职业幸福感。消除教师消极心理问题是一项系统工程,整个社会都应该关心和支持。如改善教育大环境、给教师创设宽松的人文感、强烈的校园小环境,帮助其达成合理的角色期待。再如,国家切实采取措施改善教师待遇,提高教师的社会地位,把“尊师重教”落到实处,从而树立教师良好的社会形象。教育主管部门在制订教育政策法规时,应充分了解教师在新形势下所面临的各种压力,切实保护教师权益,使教师真正感受到教师群体为社会所尊重。 1. Respect teachers and enhance teachers’ professional well-being. Elimination of negative psychology teachers is a systematic project, the entire community should care and support. Such as improving the educational environment, to teachers to create a relaxed sense of humanity, a strong campus environment, to help them reach a reasonable role expectations. Another example is that the state has taken practical measures to improve the treatment of teachers and improve the social status of teachers, putting the implementation of “respecting teachers and re-teaching education” into practice so as to establish a good social image of teachers. When formulating education policies and regulations, education authorities should fully understand the various pressures faced by teachers under the new situation and effectively protect the rights and interests of teachers so that teachers can truly feel that teachers’ groups are respected by the society.
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摘要紧急状态总是意味着公民权利的受损与国家权力的扩张,准确而完善地诠释何为紧急状态,肯定其动态性和法律性,能够更好地保障公民权利。  关键词公民权利 动态性 法律性  中图分类号:D911 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-0592(2010)04-185-01    联合国人权事务委员会于1997年发布了一份关于人权保护和紧急状态的特别报告,从中可知,二十世纪的最后十来年间,全球有超过100个