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根据克乌成品油管道复线泵机组输油的原设计方案,当实际年输量低于195×104t/a时,全年间歇性停产时间合计为158d,增大了首站启停输作业次数和设备操作过程中发生事故的概率,并因需要控制首站出站调节阀开度节流而导致能量损失。基于近两年的输油工况,从能耗的角度出发,分析比较了分别运用临时投产与设计安装的泵机组能耗差异,据此提出在不同年输量范围内的泵机组优化运行方案:当年输量为195×104~300×104t时,以新建泵机组“2台给油泵+2台输油主泵(半扬程泵和全扬程泵各1台)”的工况满负荷运行;当年输量小于195×104t,运行临时投产输油泵机组当年输量为300×104~400×104t时,采用新建泵机组“3台给油泵+2台多级输油主泵”的工况满负荷运行;当年输量超过400×104t时,以新建泵机组“3台给油泵+2台多级输油主泵+1台单级输油主泵”的工况满负荷运行。 According to the original design proposal of oil recovery of double line pump unit in Kewu oil product pipeline, when the actual annual transportation volume is less than 195 × 104t / a, the annual total of intermittent shutdown time is 158d, which increases the number of start-stop And the probability of an accident occurring during the operation of the equipment, as well as the energy loss caused by the need to control the throttling of the outlet valve of the primary station. Based on the past two years of oil transportation conditions, from the perspective of energy consumption, the paper analyzes and compares the energy consumption differences of the pump units that are put into operation temporarily and designed and installed respectively, and proposes the optimal operation plan of the pump units in different annual output ranges : When the amount of traffic was 195 × 104 ~ 300 × 104t, the new pump unit “2 sets of oil pump +2 sets of main oil pump (half-head pump and full-head pump each one)” under full load When the annual output is less than 195 × 104t, when the temporary output of running oil pump unit is 300 × 104 ~ 400 × 104t, the new pump unit “3 sets of oil pump + 2 sets of multi-stage main pump” Of the working conditions at full capacity operation; when the annual output of more than 400 × 104t, the new pump unit “3 sets of oil pump +2 sets of multi-stage main oil pump +1 Taiwan’s single-stage main oil pump” working condition is full Load operation.
近年来,铅已经成为危害人体健康和儿童智力的因素之一。据权威调查报告透露,现代人体内的平均含铅量已超过一千年前古人的500倍。  铅通过呼吸道、消化道和皮肤三种途径进入人体,有机铅可由皮肤直接吸收进入血液(如汽油中的铅)。人体内约90%~95%的铅积存于骨骼中,只有少量铅存在于肝、脾等脏器中。铅主要是经由肾脏代谢由尿液排出,排泄缓慢。  铅中毒轻者可以导致体重减轻、乏力、四肢酸痛、面色苍白、头晕、恶
2005年3月13~20日被称为“亚洲客车周”,也就是在这7天,世界客车迎来了BAAV 2005这个行业性的盛会。3月13日,BAAV年度大奖评审会在上海科技馆举行,拉开了这次盛会的序幕。上柴