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随着我国市场经济体制改革的不断深入,以财务管理为核心的企业管理已成为企业家和经济界人士的共识。之所以说财务管理是企业管理的核心,是因为它通过价值形态对企业资金运动的一项综合性的管理,渗透和贯穿于企业一切经济活动之中。企业财务管理的目标,是指企业财务管理在一定环境和条件下所应达 With the continuous deepening of China’s market economic system reform, business management centered on financial management has become the consensus of entrepreneurs and people in economic circles. The reason why financial management is the core of business management is that it penetrates and runs through all economic activities of the company through a comprehensive management of the value of the company’s capital movement. The goal of corporate financial management is that the financial management of an enterprise should be achieved under certain conditions and conditions.
We propose a systematic ECG quality classification method based on a keel support vector machine (KSVM) and genetic algorithm (GA) to determine whether ECGs col
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该研究选用了近年来国内外研究得较多的一个野生种Moricandia arvensis和另一个在Moricandia属中CO补偿点最低的野生种Moricandia.nitens作为C-C基因的供体材料,采用有性杂
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A hybrid power transmission system (HPTS) is a promising way to save energy in a hydraulic excavator and the electric machine is one of the key components of th