Syntheses and Crystal Structures of Two Silver(Ⅰ) Complexes with Organic Carboxylic Acid and Bidenta

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The title complexes(NH4)[Ag(dpe)(H2bptc)](1) and Ag2(bpy)(ox)·7H2O(2) were synthesized via slow evaporation at room temperature,and characterized by elemental analysis and infrared spectra.The crystal of 1 crystallizes in triclinic,space group P1 with a = 8.3959(7),b = 11.8088(12),c = 12.8175(13) ,α = 85.507(2),β = 79.245(1),γ = 84.174(2)o,V = 1239.7(2) 3,Z = 2,C28H22AgN3O8,Mr = 636.36,Dc = 1.705 g/cm3,F(000) = 644 and μ(MoKα) = 0.874 mm-1.The final R = 0.0479 and wR = 0.1426 for 3632 observed reflections with I > 2σ(I) and R = 0.0559 and wR = 0.1503 for all data.The crystal of 2 crystallizes in orthorhombic,space group Pnna with a = 17.2291(17),b = 7.5289(6),c = 21.369(2),V = 2771.9(4) 3,Z = 4,C22H30Ag2N4O11,Mr = 742.24,Dc = 1.779 g/cm3,F(000) = 1488 and μ(MoKα) = 1.476 mm-1.The final R = 0.0648 and wR = 0.2058 for 1996 observed reflections with I > 2σ(I) and R = 0.0769 and wR = 0.2192 for all data.X-ray diffraction reveals that in complexes 1 and 2,both 1,2-di(4-pyridyl)ethylene and 4,4’-bipyridine act as typical bidentate N-donor ligands to link two Ag centers.3,3’4,4’-Biphenyltetracarboxylate and oxalate anions play the role of organic linkers and counter-ions to balance the cationic charge of AgI.The rich hydrogen-bonding interactions and ligand-unsupported Ag…Ag interactions as well as π-π stacking interactions contribute to the construction of three-dimensional sandwich-like frameworks. The title complexes (NH4) [Ag (dpe) (H2bptc)] (1) and Ag2 (bpy) (ox) · 7H2O (2) were synthesized via slow evaporation at room temperature, and characterized by elemental analysis and infrared spectra. crystal of 1 crystallizes in triclinic space group P1 with a = 8.3959 (7), b = 11.8088 (12), c = 12.8175 (13) , α = 85.507 (2), β = 79.245 (2) o, V = 1239.7 (2) 3, Z = 2, C28H22AgN3O8, Mr = 636.36, Dc = 1.705 g / cm3, F (000) = 644 and μ (MoKα) = 0.874 mm-1.The final R = 0.0479 and wR = 0.1426 for 3632 observed reflections with I> 2σ (I) and R = 0.0559 and wR = 0.1503 for all data. The crystal of 2 crystallizes in orthorhombic, space group Pnna with a = 17.2291 (17), b F = (000) = 1488 and μ (MoKα) = 7.5289 (6) c = 21.369 (2) V = 2771.9 (4) 3 Z = 4 C22H30Ag2N4O11 Mr = 742.24 Dc = 1.779 g / = 1.476 mm-1. The final R = 0.0648 and wR = 0.2058 for 1996 observed reflections with I> 2σ (I) and R = 0.0769 and wR = 0.2192 for all data. X-ray diffraction reveals that in complexes 1 and 2, both 1,2-di (4-py ridyl) ethylene and 4,4’-bipyridine act as typical bidentate N-donor ligands to link two Ag centers.3,3’4,4’-Biphenyltetracarboxylate and oxalate anions play the role of organic linkers and counter-ions to balance the cationic charge of AgI. rich hydrogen-bonding interactions and ligand-unsupported Ag ... Ag interactions as well as π-π stacking interactions contribute to the construction of three-dimensional sandwich-like frameworks.
李洪川,1982年4月出生,本科学历。2000年7月参加工作,现任西藏自治区文联文艺研究规划部副调研员。  西藏作家次仁罗布可以说是近年来西藏文坛的明星,他用母语之外的汉语、并以独特新奇的语言创作出了《放生羊》《祭语风中》等广为读者所熟悉和好评的作品。一篇篇充满浓厚西藏味道的作品,让世人看到的不再是一个神秘的西藏,而是一个繁荣进步的社会主义新西藏,以及当下藏族人民的真实生活现状和真挚情感世界,具有
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