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当前在我国农业和农村经济发展中出现了一些新情况和新问题。就山东省情况看,农业总体水平不高,制约因素较多,土地资源、水资源不足,主要农产品人均占有量、农业科技贡献率与发达国家、先进省份相比仍有较大的差距。在市场化程度不断提高的情况下,农业发展由受资源约束转化为受资源和市场双重约束,结构性矛盾十分突出,农产品出现阶段性、结构性相对过剩,销售不畅,价格下跌,农业比较效益连年下降。这些问题,导致农民收入增长缓慢。农民收入问题,不仅关系农村改革、发展和稳定,而且关系国民经济和社会发展的全局。财政部门要站在讲政治的高度,深刻认识农民增收问题的极端重要性,增强紧迫感,把推进农业结构调整,增加农民收入,作为财政支农工作的出发点和落脚点。 At present, some new situations and problems have emerged in the agricultural and rural economic development in our country. As far as the situation in Shandong Province is concerned, the overall agriculture level is not high, with many constraints. Land resources and water resources are insufficient. The per capita share of major agricultural products and the contribution rate of agricultural science and technology still lag behind that of developed countries and advanced provinces. Under the circumstance that the degree of marketization is increasing, the development of agriculture is transformed from being constrained by resources into being constrained by resources and markets. The structural contradictions are very prominent. The agricultural products appear in stages and relative structural surplus, the sales are sluggish, the prices fall, and the agricultural comparisons Benefit decreased year after year. These problems led to the slow growth of peasants’ income. The problem of peasants’ income not only relates to rural reform, development and stability, but also affects the overall situation of national economy and social development. The financial sector should stand on the political level, understand the extreme importance of increasing peasants’ incomes and enhance the sense of urgency. They should take measures to promote the adjustment of agricultural structure and increase the incomes of peasants as the starting point and the foothold of the financial support for agriculture.
Don Brown简历:Don Brown(唐纳德·布朗)是2001年成立以咨询为主要业务的国际杂志出版有限公司的董事长兼任纽约哥伦比亚大学国际与公共事务学院客座教授一职。此前34年中,他